HSF Steering Group Meeting, 26 August 2024

Present/Contributing: Graeme, Benedikt, Pere, Nicole, Andrea, Paul, Michel, Stefan, Eduardo

Apologies: Torre, Mark, Liz

Steering Group Matters

Next Workshop

Michel and IJCLab have offered to organise the next WLCG/HSF meeting in Orsay next May 5-9. WLCG think this is a good idea.

Do we agree that we join the workshop as the HSF again?

We will need also an HSF organising team for this.

We should try to find common themes where both communities can discuss common topics, e.g., GPUs. (As well as the separate discussion topics per community; the HSF software sessions were very good.)

European Strategy Update 2025

Organisation of HSF inputs.

Need to decide on the ambitions/scale of the updates. Involve the WGs is really important - the key ones are probably Generators, Reconstruction, Simulation and Analysis.

Present this idea in coordination group meeting.

Overlap with JENA WGs? Not completely clear. HSF can cover more HEP specific details, where as the JENA topics also have to deal with nuclear and astroparticle.

HSF and SFT reporting to WLCG/LHCC

Since about 3 years WLCG has appointed 2 software liaisons, who are currently:

The AF chair reports on projects where CERN EP-SFT has a large stake (ROOT, Geant4, LCG releases). The HSF representative has dealt with projects mainly developed outside CERN. The motivation for this split is not technical, but organisational as SFT is a CERN support group that can be directed by the LHCC.

There has been some recent discussion on “community vs. common software”. We have argued that these things are not oppositional: common software = software used my more that one experiment; community software = projects that have a development community, not just a single person/team. Therefore almost everything we are concerned with the HSF fulfils both criteria. This is by-and-large accepted now.

To help with the communication with non-SFT projects Eduardo, circulated an email with a list of important projects and developments. This list is not complete, but is a starting point.

Ultimately the LHCC will care about the software that the experiments decide is critical to the LHC mission.

For reporting to the LHCC, the plan is to propose more topical meetings that focus on a specific software area, rather than catch-all updates. e.g., Simulation, Generators, Analysis, I/O, etc.

At the next LHCC points of contact between SFT and HSF will be presented.

Seminar Series

We need to progress on organising the Seminar Series for the Autumn. Likely we could have 3 meetings this year at the start of October, November and December (for September it’s rather late now).

This will require perhaps 2 SG members to take on the seminar series as a task!

N.B. The Software Trigger and Reco group had some ideas about 4-D reconstruction that would be an excellent first topic.

This will be separate from the C&AF, which has an excellent focus on relevant non-HEP specific topics (vendor updates, languages). HSF-SS would be more domain specific topics.

Working Group Discussions

General topics: we want to still remove the distinction between WGs and Activities.


Nicole and Graeme met with the Training WG coordinators before the summer break. Main conclusions where:

HSF Affiliated Projects

Update of the document thanks to Eduardo.

Main change is to remove the distinction of affiliated / non-affiliated projects.

This will need some SG volunteering to discuss with the projects.

Please also check the document on Guidelines, whose expanded version we need to finalise to then circulate to the HSF Forum.

Advisory Board

No progress in the AB document (as far as I know). There are quite a few points that need to be addressed.


Coordination Meetings

We have a meeting this week, 29 August.

No chair yet - who would like to volunteer?

Please also sign up for later meetings this year.

Live Notes

Currently moved to CERN’s CodiMD - not accessible for non-CERN people :-(

Comments: Andrea, maybe we can use md documents in cernbox instead? We should check the authorization model, but it is probably the same as .



Torre is still the owner of the hepsoftwarefoundation.org domain. Graeme has been trying to get CERN to adopt this for several years, but the SNOW ticket still languishes unanswered.

We can either try again at CERN or can some other lab or institute take this on?

Maybe IJCLab - Michel will ask.

Next Meeting

Next SG meeting in 2 weeks time, 9 September: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1449790/.