HSF Steering Group Meeting, 23 September 2024


Present/Contributing: Graeme Stewart, Eduardo Rodrigues, Benedikt Hegner, Pere Mato, Stefan Roiser, Michel Jouvin

Apologies: Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Nicole Skidmore, Paul Laycock, Torre Wenaus

Discussions with Activity Areas

Any discussions to report on?

Activity SG Responsible Met?
Data Analysis Eduardo + Mark  
Detector Simulation Torre + Graeme  
Physics Generators Liz + Stefan Y
JuliaHEP Pere Y (implicit)
PyHEP Eduardo Y (implicit)
Reconstruction and Software Triggers Michel + Paul  
Tools and Packaging Liz + 1 more?  
Training Graeme + Nicole Y

Torre has drafted an email to send to simulation conveners, so hopefully meeting soon.

There is some discussion about packaging tools in Belle II, Pere will pass this on to Liz.

European Strategy Update 2025

Key areas: generators, simulation, reconstruction, analysis and training/careers.

We need a team to manage this process and organise the work with the conveners and the wider community.

Volunteers: Michel, Graeme, …

Feedback from coordination meeting? Not so far.

HSF and SFT reporting to WLCG/LHCC

Seminar Series

Indico; Coordinators: Benedikt, Michel, Andrea

HSF Affiliated Projects

Project document was circulated to the HSF ~2 weeks ago.

Graeme got some private questions on qualifying projects from ATLAS colleagues, e.g., did experiment software count.

A few comments on the guidelines document re. stability of maintainers from Alex.

Next steps - Pere and Eduardo to take care of

Advisory Group

No further comments on the document, so we can proceed.

Initial list of members:

Next steps:

It was felt that ePIC/EIC and FCC were a bit immature yet to join the AG, but should look again to other potential members from running experiments at other labs. But in any case, go ahead inviting the above.


Coordination Meetings

Chairing sign up document. We need a few more volunteers from now until the end of the year!


Torre made enquiries with BNL who seem to be willing to take over ownership of the domain.

HSF on Google (and other platforms)

Check accounts used and that information is shared correctly.

Platform HSF Account Notes
Google hepsoftware@gmail.com Calendar and YouTube
Zenodo hsf-editorial-secretariat@googlegroups.com Better to have individual accounts manage the community
ORCID 0000-0002-6574-1593 Because of Zenodo? Probably not needed
Twitter/X hepsoftfound Probably not going back…

At least Graeme has these passwords and they can be shared in the Steering Group.

Next Meeting

To get out of phase with LHCb software board meetings, next SG meeting in 3 weeks time, 14 October: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1459900/.