Present/Contributing: Graeme Stewart, Michel Jouvin, Patrick Gartung, Claire Antel, Stefan Roiser, Andrea Valassi, Alex Moreno, Daniel Elvira, Eduardo Rodrigues, Tommaso Lari, Patrick Gartung, Stephen Mrenna
News, general matters, announcements
European Strategy Update (ESPPU)
Discussion on HSF inputs.
See slides attached to the agenda.
As said in previous meetings, HSF input to ESPPU is important
- Input to last ESPPU was based on CWP: good time for CWP update
- To reflect the community view, the key actors must be the HSF activities (and thus the activity coordinators!)
- Deadline is tight: end of March 2025. Must start immediately our work to prepare the document that we’ll submit. Timeline proposal:
- Now -> beginning of January: activity meetings to get the community feedback on the topic identified
- January : writing of chapter drafts
- Feb 1-15: assembling of chapters, first paper draft
- Feb 15 - March 1 : draft circulation and finalization
- March: community endorsement (something like what we did for the CWP, asking for people to sign it)
- Claire - meetings organised by activity areas?
- Yes, we have to delegate this down to the activity area coordinators
- Tommaso - are these meetings in addition to the seminar series?
- Yes, the work required doesn’t fill well into the seminars
- Alex, yes the training WG can contribute
- Eduardo, this would be a much shorter paper
- Michel, not starting from zero, we have a lot of experience already and can do this on a much shorter timescale (original CWP was ~18 months)
- Patrick - will try to schedule a mini-workshop to see where we are with the development tools and prepare input to the document
- Graeme: great idea, probably focus on-line, 1/2 day, meetings
- We shall do “checkpoints” with the groups in these coordination meetings (don’t need extra ones!)
- Experiments are preparing their inputs, do we take these into account?
- Ideally yes, as people are in the experiments we hope this is not a problem
- Stephen M. (generators): ok with the proposal
Action: Michel/Graeme will contact the relevant activities with the plan and ask them to get started
- 1 page too short
- 10 pages too much
- Probably the target is 3-5 pages per activity
Mainly software matters, but sociological risks should all be covered.
HSF Seminar Series
The seminar series is up and running:
We would now like to advance the planning for the next events. Scheduled dates would be:
- 30 October (it’s quite soon…)
- 27 November: Generators?
- Stephen M. checks with the people involved
- 29 January
- 26 February
Please coordinate with Michel and Benedikt!
Steering Group News
Advisory Group
The Advisory Group mandate is published. Invitations have been sent to the large HEP experiments, WLCG and the theory community (MCnet).
HSF Affiliated Projects and Software
The description of HSF Affiliated Projects and Software is now on the website. It motivates the activity and sets out some of the parameters for things like reviews, defining requirements and providing reference implementations.
The actual guidelines for projects are on a separate page.
- Do people know of projects (theirs or others) who would like to trial the process of becoming an affiliate?
Activity Updates
Data Analysis
Software Training
Last Events
Next Events
- HSF Training Pre-CHEP Workshop - October 19-20.
- Saturday afternoon, from 14:00 to 18:20 CET
- Sunday morning, from 9:00 to 12:45 CET
- We will have talks from HSF-India, LHCb, EVERSE, DUNE, ErUM-Data-Hub, ATLAS, LPC HATS, CoDaS-HEP, and ICFA
- Two Working Sessions
- 57 registrants
Conveners met last week Friday. Discussed putting together a mini-workshop to review the build tools used by the CERN and Fermilab experiments.
Detector Simulation
Geant4 Collaboration meeting is ongoing this week in Catania; an open session dedicated to user presentations took place today
Reconstruction and Software Trigger
- Will probably be able to finalise seminar speakers on 4D tracking for a January or February HSF seminar slot.
The report of the 2024 workshop (Aachen, 26 Aug - 30 Aug) is published on the ArXiv. It is a community-driven document, as nearly all participants contributed to the paper.
Physics Generators
GPUs and Generators, will try to arrange something for the HSF Seminar series.
We had the JuliaHEP 2024 Workshop last week.
- Big success, about 40 people attended in-person and up to 30 more on Zoom
- Excellent atmosphere and positive spirit
- Had three keynotes, the two HSF Seminars (see above) and a talk from Tim Besard from JuliaHub on Introduction to GPU Programming (in Julia) (which is also posted to YouTube)
- Overall about 20 talks from HEP, astroparticle and industry (ASML)
- Hackathon sessions involved a lot of discussions on Lorentz vectors and particle interfaces, as well as ROOT building/bindings and possible training material
- Discussion of the most important next topics for JuliaHEP was had at the end of the workshop
Compute and Accelerator Forum
Next Meeting
Next meeting will be 7 November.
- The 24 October meeting is cancelled as this is the week of CHEP.
Reminder: please sign up for chairing this or one of the future coordination meetings - we need volunteers from now until the end of the year!