HSF Steering Group Meeting, 14 October 2024


Present/Contributing: Graeme Stewart, Stefan Roiser, Torre Wenaus, Eduardo Rodrigues, Mark Neubauer

Apologies: Andrea Valassi, Paul Laycock

Discussions with Activity Areas

Any discussions to report on?

Activity SG Responsible Met?
Data Analysis Eduardo + Mark Not yet
Detector Simulation Torre + Graeme This week
Physics Generators Liz + Stefan Y
JuliaHEP Pere Y (implicit)
PyHEP Eduardo Y (implicit)
Reconstruction and Software Triggers Michel + Paul  
Tools and Packaging Liz + 1? Y
Training Graeme + Nicole Y

Liz met with the Tools and Packaging conveners (as reported in last week’s Coodination Meeting).

We should discuss regular slots that could be used for activity area meetings - topic for next coordination meeting.

Generators - Sapta had an idea for a follow-up to last year’s workshop, looking at event generation on GPUs.

European Strategy Update 2025

We devoted last week’s coordination meeting to this topic (see slides).

Intention is to cover as a core: Event generators, simulation, reconstruction, analysis, plus training and careers.

Those working groups that were there responded positively.

Our proposed timeline is:

Length is not set in stone, but we think about 3-5 pages per activity will be about right. 20-25 pages in total.

Michel and Graeme have followed up with the key activity areas to help generate momentum - there is not much time.

And additional help would be very welcome (Andrea is happy to contribute to the generator chapter).

Seminar Series

Indico; Coordinators: Benedikt, Michel, Andrea

We need an additional helper here!

Got an initial boost from JuliaHEP:

Future dates:

Nothing confirmed yet?

Note the 4D Tracking for Future Colliders Workshop on November 7, 2024. Could provide some useful input on topics and/or speakers for a future HSF Seminar.

HSF Affiliated Projects

The description of HSF Affiliated Projects and Software is now on the website. It motivates the activity and sets out some of the parameters for things like reviews, defining requirements and providing reference implementations.

The actual guidelines for projects are on a separate page.

Need a volunteer from the SG to check the criteria and report to the SG for approval.

Advisory Group

The Advisory Group mandate is published. Invitations have been sent to the large HEP experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, Belle II, DUNE, CMS, LHCb), WLCG and the theory community (MCnet).

So far positive responses from MCnet, LHCb and ALICE.

Intention would be to have a first AG meeting early next year.


Coordination Meetings

As ever… chairing sign up document. We need one more volunteer for 2024, for 7 November.

And we have to start planning for next year!


Torre made enquiries with BNL who seem to be willing to take over ownership of the domain. Any news?

Next Meeting

Next meeting in 4 weeks time? 11 November. (US, French public holiday, so not ideal - we may poll.)