Present/Contributing: Graeme Stewart, Paul Laycock, Benedikt Hegner, Eduardo Rodrigues
Apologies: Stefan Roiser, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Torre Wenaus
Graeme gave an HSF talk at DESY last week: slides on Zenodo.
Good discussion with Mike Kirby from DUNE about increasing their HSF involvement.
Activity | SG Responsible | Met? |
Data Analysis | Eduardo + Mark | Y (Graeme+Michel) |
Detector Simulation | Torre + Graeme | Y |
Physics Generators | Liz + Stefan | Y |
JuliaHEP | Pere | Y (implicit) |
PyHEP | Eduardo | Y (implicit) |
Reconstruction and Software Triggers | Michel + Paul | Y (Graeme+Michel) |
Tools and Packaging | Liz + 1? | Y |
Training | Graeme + Nicole | Y |
Graeme and Michel had the chance to meet with Data Analysis and Reconstruction and Software Triggers conveners at CHEP. We discussed general activity strategy, HSF Seminars and EPPSU.
We are asking coordinators if they want to stay on for next year (needs pushed a bit!).
Would anyone like to volunteer for the search committee? Currently this is Graeme, Liz, Michel, Benedikt and Claire, but we are open to rotation. Paul will join the team.
Things are in motion!
Activity area mini-workshops are being organised:
Data Analysis and Physics Generators should announce their dates soon.
In discussions with the experiments about them endorsing the final document - ALICE and LHCb are favourable.
Future dates:
Indico; Coordinators: Benedikt, Michel.
We need an additional organiser here.
First review, prmon, is done.
We are struggling to find people to do these reviews. NNPDF asked more than a month ago to be included, but so far we have no reviewer.
Also start to approach our previous projects.
The Advisory Group mandate was published. Large HEP experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, Belle II, DUNE, CMS, LHCb), WLCG and the theory community (MCnet) were contacted and all responded positively.
Intention would be to have a first AG meeting early next year.
As ever… Chairing sign up document. Slots are in for 2025.
Torre made enquiries with BNL who seem to be willing to take over ownership of the domain. Any news?
We really did not find a good regular slot for this meeting. Should we return to the Monday 15h slot? Use alternate Thursday 15h slots? Or pick a non-HSF Seminar Wednesday 16h30 slot? Or just newdle on demand, given these are occasional meetings…?
If we need another meeting this year, w/b 9 December would be an option - but we can continue to track things via the usual Coordination meetings.