HSF Coordination Meeting #279, 5 December 2024


Present/Contributing: Graeme Stewart, Michel Jouvin, Patrick Gartung, Eduardo Rodrigues, Joseph Osborn, Torre Wenaus, Stefan Roiser, Claire Antel, Sapta Battacharya, Alex Moreno, Krzysztof Genser, Tommaso Lari, Pere Mato

Apologies/Contributing: Alexander Held

News, general matters, announcements

European Strategy Update (ESPPU)

We have had four of the meetings to gather inputs with the community:

Data Analysis group meeting will be Dec. 16, announcement to follow shortly.

Should we make a specific call for further inputs now? Contact conveners?

Contact made with all the LHC experiments plus DUNE and Belle II. Generally they seem well disposed to signing the document.

Preparing the Draft

Schedule is to have a draft ready in January. Because of the extra time needed by the experiments to endorse, we would like to target 17 January for this to be ready.

Suggestion: as we expect a lot of activity in terms of comments we begin this as a Google Doc. (The intention would be to finalise as LaTeX.)

HSF Seminar Series and Compute Accelerator Forum

Seminar Indico Category. Compute & Accelerator Forum Category

Third HSF seminar took place last week: Event Generation on GPUs

Next scheduled seminar dates are:

Other experiments? Einstein telescope / GW Low Latency analysis ? Can discuss with Paul.

We are discussing how to optimise organisation of the events - concrete proposal to follo after an SG discussion.

Advisory Group

Date of the first AG meeting is not yet set. Graeme will send around a Newdle before the end of the year (target end of January). Setting up mailing list now.

HSF Affiliated Projects and Software

We need to find people to help do these reviews. They are fairly lightweight and should not take a lot of time - we are checking usefulness and impact in the community, as well as software development and project best practices.

The NNPDF collaboration asked more than a month ago to be included - discussions with generator conveners to find an additional reviewer.

We should also start to approach our previous projects. Volunteers?

Todo: add on the HSF site a page with the list of affiliated projects.

Activity Updates

Thanks for people who have made their intentions clear, either to stay on or step down.

We anticipate calls for new conveners in most groups: Data Analysis, Simulation, PyHEP, Reco and SW Triggers, Dev Tools and Packaging, Training, Physics Generators. JuliaHEP is TBD.

We are now seeking nominations for these groups. Please contact hsf-search-committee@cern.ch (currently Benedikt, Claire, Michel, Liz, Graeme, and Paul).

Data Analysis

Announcement for Dec 16 ESPPU to follow shortly: agenda

Software Training

We are planning activities for next year, including training events and hackathons, and we hope to have a complete plan by the end of the year-beginning of January

HSF/IRIS-HEP Software Basics Training - June 18-20, 2025, at CERN

A date for the 12th HEP C++ Course and Hands-on Training - The Essentials has been set for the week 10-14 March.

Software Tools and Packaging

Nothing to report.

Detector Simulation

Reconstruction and Software Trigger

Mini workshop on ESPPU input


The report to the PSF concerning the sponsorship for the PyHEP 2024 workshop was submitted last week.

Physics Generators

Work done related to ESPPU


We are starting to plan the JuliaHEP 2025 workshop.


Next Meeting

Next meeting will be 16 January

2025 Meetings

Coordination meeting slots have been booked for 2025 - the usual pattern every two weeks on odd weeks of the year. The first meeting next year will be on 16 January 2025.

Reminder: please sign up for chairing this or one of the future coordination meetings - including 2025!