Present/Contributing: Graeme Stewart, Benedikt Hegner, Torre Wenaus, Nicole Skidmore, Paul Laycock, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Eduardo Rodrigues, Mark Neubauer
Apologies: Stefan Roiser, Pere Mato
Paul has agreed to be the AG secretary. We have arranged to have the first meeting on Friday 24 January at 16h.
Graeme (as SG chair) will give the presentation from the HSF, which should be prepared by the SG.
The draft is currently here - at the time of this meeting it’s an early draft.
Feedback by Friday - so we can send it to the AG early next week.
Status is quite healthy - we have enough candidates to run all of the working groups this year. There is not so much backup for some groups. Only group that was short of nominations was simulation.
Tools and Packaging got very good nominations this year, so it will run.
How PyHEP uses HSF conveners needs discussion. Is it just the workshop organisation teams? Graeme and Eduardo will take that discussion offline.
Once conveners for 2025 are settled we should all discuss again with our relevant activities for their plans.
Are people happy with their responsibility assignments?
Activity | SG Responsible | Met? |
Data Analysis | Eduardo + Mark | |
Detector Simulation | Torre + Graeme | |
Physics Generators | Liz + Stefan | |
JuliaHEP | Pere | |
PyHEP | Eduardo | |
Reconstruction and Software Triggers | Michel + Paul | |
Tools and Packaging | Liz + 1? | |
Training | Graeme + Nicole |
Things are in motion - all of the groups had discussions / mini-workshops before the break.
We need to check status here and push, which Michel and Graeme will do.
See slides attached to the agenda from Michel for practical details.
We need to urgently setup an organising team for this event. Suggest ~3 people.
Ideas for focus topics?
Future dates:
Indico; Coordinators: Benedikt, Michel, Andrea, Nicole
We need an additional organiser here, or we merge with C&AF organisation.
There has been a proposal to try to merge the organisation of the SS and the CAF to optimise:
Generally we are keen on the merge of these activities and think this is a long term benefit.
There is an IRIS-HEP SB on 14 January. Graeme has been the HSF rep since the beginning and would like to now step down.
Not a very onerous task - 3-4 meetings a year, but usually reactive. Some presentations when asked.
First review, prmon, is done.
We are really struggling to find people to do these reviews. NNPDF asked more than two months ago to be included, but so far we have no review.
How can we motivate greater engagement? Is this too much for us to handle? Should we have some specific responsible people?
Next month volunteers: Graeme, …
Benedikt is leaving the field for industry, The meeting very warmly thanked Benedikt for all his contributions to the HSF over many years. He will be missed.
As ever… Chairing sign up document. Slots are in for 2025.
Graeme cannot come to the coordination meeting this week, so a chair for this week is urgently needed.
Eduardo will do this week 🙏. Please take a look at the schedule and sign up for 1 or 2 slots in the future.
Torre made enquiries with BNL who seem to be willing to take over ownership of the domain. Any news?
We might also enquire with IJCLab via Michel.
As needed post-AG? Probably at the beginning of February.