HSF Coordination Meeting #281, 30 January 2025


Present/Contributing: Graeme Stewart, Matthew Feickert, Luke Kreczko, Eduardo Rodrigues, Alex Held, Paul Laycock, Peter Fackeldey, Tommaso Lari, Juan Migel Carceller, Ianna Osborne, Davide Costanzo, Ruslan Mashinistov, Krzysztof Genser, Joe Osborn, Richa Sharma, Saptaparna Bhattacharya, Patrick Gartung, Uwe Hernandez Acosta, Nick Smith, Alexander Moreno, Claire Antel, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Steven Gardiner, Christian Wessel

Apologies/Contributing: Michel Jouvin, Michel Hernandez Villanueva

News, general matters, announcements

European Strategy Update (ESPPU)

We now have an advanced draft - thanks to everyone who contributed to get the document to this stage.

Last week we got the inputs from the activity areas and Michel and Graeme did an editing pass, harmonising the style and drawing out key points as bulleted recommendations (for the TL;DR crew). A preamble and conclusion have been added.

The section on Event Generators still needs some more key input re. FCC-ee in particular; the other sections are close to final for this stage.



SHARIng Proposal

We have a request for a letter of support for the SHARing proposal from Davide Costanzo (Skills Hub for Accelerated Research Environments Inspiring the Next Generation proposal). This is an application for UKRI funds for Digital Research Infrastructure Skills Hubs for Accelerated Compute.

The proposal synopsis is attached to the agenda.

We have discussed in particular with Davide that we would anticipate working together on training, using HEP codes as test cases and helping on their advisory board from the HSF. Specifically:

Comments to the Steering Group please!

HSF/WLCG Workshop

Taking place on 5-9 May at IJClab, Orsay, Paris. The HSF organisation team is Michel, Nicole, Eduardo, Paul. We at least need to have a “save the date” announcement and start herding abstracts et al. Can also put this on the website.

HSF Seminar Series and Compute Accelerator Forum

Seminar Indico Category. Compute & Accelerator Forum Category

Next scheduled events are:

We have agreed to co-organise these meetings, so they can be coherent and reduce duplicated efforts. They will both live in the same Indico area to simplify attendees’ scheduling.

This could be in the new Indico Global instance - TBD.

Steering Group

Next SG meeting is 11 February.

Advisory Group

We had the first meeeting with the Advisory Group Friday 24 January - thanks to the experiments and communities who joined!

The outcomes of the meeting will be discussed with the SG and we’ll report later.

HSF Affiliated Projects and Software

We need to find people to help do these reviews. They are fairly lightweight and should not take a lot of time - we are checking usefulness and impact in the community, as well as software development and project best practices.

The NNPDF collaboration asked several months ago to be included - discussions with generator conveners to find an additional reviewer.

We should also start to approach our previous projects. Volunteers?

Volunteer Corner: People prepared to do 1 review in the next month: Graeme, Eduardo, Uwe

Link to the review template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l8Tkruo0EEHwgRBQPmiHq-i4BuwwiR1choRRMUIv6qY/edit?usp=sharing.

Todo: add on the HSF site a page with the list of affiliated projects. - now done, https://github.com/HSF/hsf.github.io/pull/1639.

Activity Convener Updates

We are essentially concluded for the convener search of 2025.

We will be contacting the conveners for each group and arranging for planning meetings for activities with SG Liaisons.

Those conveners who are stepping down will be relieved of being on the mailing list after this meeting.

N.B. To better reflect our new nomenclature, we propose to rename the mailing list from hsf-wg-convenors@googlegroups.com to hsf-activity-conveners@googlegroups.com

Activity Updates

Data Analysis

Recent work focused on the EPPSU document.

Software Training

Past events:

Future events:

New Training Material:

Training material in progress:


Software Tools and Packaging

Detector Simulation

Recent work focused on the ESPPU document.

Reconstruction and Software Triggers

Recent work focused on the ESPPU document.


Looking forward to meeting with the new conveners.

Physics Generators

NuSTEC is also preparing a ESPPU contribution that will discuss importance of neutrino event generators. Steven Gardiner is involved in both efforts.

LHC MC WG are also preparing an input - Stefan Roiser would be a good person to contact about this.

For FCC inputs Sapta is involved. We have contacts with a few experts to help with the HSF document.


The next JuliaHEP workshop will be at Princeton University, 28-31 July: https://indico.cern.ch/e/juliahep2025. More details to follow soon.

Announcement is ready to go! And the poster!

GSoC program 2025 announced

Contact hsf-gsoc-admin@googlegroups.com in case of questions.

We’re very happy that Maciej Szymanski has joined the organising team.



There was a clean up of stale issues and PRs for the website.

Currently we are planning to stay with Jekyll + Minima, and just to make incremental improvements.

Archive no-longer-maintained repositories in github.com/HSF organization?

Can be safely archived, if no new maintainer found (in my opinion, (Valentin Volkl)):

https://github.com/HSF/TrickTrack https://github.com/HSF/cmaketools https://github.com/HSF/hep-spack https://github.com/HSF/spack

ACTION: archive these repos.

Next Meeting

Next meeting will be 13 February

Chair This Meeting 👇

Coordination meeting slots are booked for 2025 - the usual pattern every two weeks on odd weeks of the year.

Please sign up for chairing a future coordination meeting.