HSF Steering Group Meeting, 11 February 2025


Present/Contributing: Graeme, Liz, Stefan, Torre, Paul, Eduardo, Claire, Pere, Mark

Apologies: Michel

Advisory Group Meeting Report

The slides we presented to the AG are attached to the agenda (as per our agreement with the AG the minutes themselves are not public).

The meeting was fairly well attended, with most communities and experiments present. There is still no AG chair at the moment, we need to follow-up on that.

The major points for us are below.

Advertising the HSF

We discussed the lack of visibility of the HSF for people coming into the field. There was agreement that the AG would help to raise the HSF’s profile if we can provide them with the details we’d like to advertise.

HSF Funding Opportunities and Collaboration

This is particularly to target support for 1 or 2 people to spend more time on HSF work (30-50% level), which helps the organisation to function and successfully utilise the many 5-10% contributions.

On the issue of HSF funding, the AG were not optimistic about the HSF receiving direct funds (it was pointed out that even WLCG only receives in-kind contributions).

An alternative is to get more official recognition for the HSF: this could unlock more significant in-kind contributions.

Activity Areas

Generally there was agreement that HSF Activity Areas are useful… we had a specific query re. the generators group, now that the LHC MCWG exists (the relative inactivity of the group in recent years is perhaps a cautionary tale). We specifically followed up with MCnet and the feeling was that there was a role for this group to exchange best practice and coordinate standards, particularly for the neutrino community and the future collider community.

HSF Goals

Paul and I presented an overview of where we thought the HSF had been successful and less successful re. original aims:

The items in italics were areas where achievements were felt to be at best partial.

As well as continuing to do the things are doing well, the AG was very encouraging that we actively address the 4th bullet, Promote commonality and collaboration. This was felt to be essential for the HSF to really play a significant role.

ACTION: Make these goals more visible on the website.

Project Affiliation

We raised the issue with lack of cycles/interest in project affiliation. The AG’s suggestion was to try to bring on board larger software projects as a way to demonstrate the value of the process.

ACTION: Approach projects to discuss affiliation.

ROOT, Dirac - Eduardo, Rucio - Paul, ACTS - Graeme, CondDB - Torre, HLS4ML - Mark?, XrootD

Steering Group Jobs

See the summary spreadsheet.

IRIS-HEP Steering Board

Caterina will take on this role.

AA Coordinators 2025

Few people have filled in requests to change roles.

Activity SG Responsible Met?
Data Analysis Eduardo + Mark  
Detector Simulation Torre  
Physics Generators Liz + Stefan  
JuliaHEP Pere  
PyHEP Eduardo  
Reconstruction and Software Triggers Paul + Claire  
Tools and Packaging Liz  
Training Graeme + Nicole  

SG Chair Role

Graeme will need to step down as SG Chair at the end of June (after 1 year mandate). Vital for the HSF that this continues.

Time for one person to do this role is estimated as minimum 20%, with peaks of 30-40% (e.g., in January with the convener renewal and AG meeting it has been more).

Can this continue incarnated in a single person? Or will it require a couple of co-chairs?

Any ideas on other ways to support this position? CERN project associateship might fly if the experiments supported it?

European Strategy Update 2025

Public draft released last week. Nothing too controversial… We did an editing/resolving pass yesterday and bumped some items back to the AA editors. Hope to conclude on this stage by 18 February.

We did give a heads-up to the experiments about endorsement - it’s good idea to follow up on that rather soon.

HSF/WLCG Workshop

We met within HSF organisers and also together with our WLCG friends. Both sides of the programme are now drafted, and in reasonable shape. The agenda in Indico is not yet public, though.

The focus of the HSF sessions will be Software Sustainability, Community Software and Training.

The announcement email will go out soon once the registration process gets finalised. The call for abstracts will be made in the same email.

Details on the workshop Indico page.

Seminar Series and C&AF

We have agreed to merge the organisation of the HSF Seminars and the CAF, but to keep their separate identities for now. A new Indico category needs to be finalised.

Organisers from the HSF: Stefan, Claire, Nicole, Michel


Coordination Meetings

As ever… Chairing sign up document.


This was blocked at BNL, their IT refused. Other solutions? (Not discussed for lack of time.)

Next Meeting

In about a month.