Present/Contributing: Graeme Stewart, Peter Fackeldey, Torre Wenaus, Luke Kreczko, Tommaso Lari, Juan Miguel Carceller, Alexander Moreno Briceño, Christian Wessel, Ruslan Mashinistov, Matthew Feickert, Stefan Roiser, Inês Ochoa, Wouter Deconinck, Michel Hernandez Villanueva, Michel Jouvin, Claire Antel, Saptaparna Bhattacharya, Pere Mato
Apologies/Contributing: Eduardo Rodrigues, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Paul Laycock, Ianna Osborne
The HSF EPPSU document has now been open for public comments for more than a week. A lot of comments were received (thank you to those who took the time).
A first “resolving” pass was done on Monday, with some comments being passed back to the Activity Area conveners.
Second “resolving” run planned for Monday 17. Comments open until Tuesday 18. Plan remains to finalise the text by Monday 24 and to proceed with the LaTeXification.
We will re-contact the experiments to get their views on the document and endorsement again.
N.B. The text grew a bit as well (MCnet gave some strong inputs for the MCEG section, but more words!). Some judicious editing will be required to fit into 10 pages.
The endorsement of the SHAREing proposal was approved and they got a letter from us.
Taking place on 5-9 May at IJClab, Orsay, Paris. A preliminary agenda has been agreed with the WLCG organisation team, we will be making a call for abstracts on “Software Sustainability, Community Software and Training” when the workshop will be announced very soon (hopefully later this week).
Indico event is
The HSF organisation team is Michel, Nicole, Eduardo, Paul.
An email list is now available to join the seminar organisers:
(from Claire, Michel, Nicole)
Steering Group meeting happened on 11 February (minutes in preparation).
Discussed feedback from the Advisory Group on points that we raised.
We need to find people to help do these reviews. They are fairly lightweight and should not take a lot of time - we are checking usefulness and impact in the community, as well as software development and project best practices.
The NNPDF collaboration asked several months ago to be included - discussions with generator conveners to find an additional reviewer.
We should also start to approach our previous projects. Volunteers?
Volunteer Corner: People prepared to do 1 review in the next month: Graeme, Eduardo, Uwe
Link to the review template: here.
The Steering Group agreed to approach Dirac, Rucio, ACTS, HLS4ML and XrootD to discuss engaging.
The Training Group will offer to help projects who want to improve their tutorials (this is required for a Silver badge).
The Steering Group refreshed it’s liaisons with the AAs and we are proceeding with planning chats with you all. The current assignments are:
Group | SG Liaison |
Data Analysis | Mark and Eduardo |
Detector Simulation | Torre |
Physics Generators | Stefan |
JuliaHEP | Pere |
PyHEP | Eduardo |
Reconstruction and Software Triggers | Claire and Paul |
Tools and Packaging | Liz |
Training | Nicole and Graeme |
The AA conveners should also free free to reach out to their liaison to speed the planning!
Please remember to update your activity page on the HSF website with the names of the current conveners.
The activities list has been renamed to
Recent work focused on the EPPSU document.
Future events:
Will meet soon to plan the priorities.
Recent work focused on the ESPPU document.
HSF doc well circulated in ATLAS: Claire presented HSF input on Trig & Reco at ATLAS trigger general meeting. HSF doc also highlighted at last week’s ATLAS SW & Computing week.
HSF input vs ATLAS SW & Computing input: Complimentary in that HSF input focussed mainly on online challenges, and ATLAS input focussed on offline/sites.
A few to be addressed:
*Had a closer look at recommendations for our section. It’s undergone a lot of changes and in particular, still needs to fit in properly with what we say in the section.
(note: this wasn’t reviewed by Christina and Joe (Joe’s in the wrong damn timezone), but since this part wasn’t written by us I thought ok to share and discuss here).
26 February,
Joe sent a reminder to speakers, prepared agenda and sent announcement to Trig&Reco mailing list.
We will include this in next week’s general announcement.
Old and new conveners in contact, meeting already planned, with SG liaisons.
A warm welcome again to Christian, Inês and Maarten!
First planning meeting was yesterday. planned for Seattle the week after SciPy conference, which is also in WA.
Marcel Rieger (DESY, CMS) has also joined the PyHEP team.
AG feedback (from MCnet): very positive about the role that the HSF group can play in linking up to generators work in the neutrio and Higgs factory communities. Encouraging and developing common standards, together with the LHC community, would be a valuable contribution.
NuSTEC is also preparing a ESPPU contribution that will discuss importance of neutrino event generators. Steven Gardiner is involved in both efforts.
LHC MC WG are also preparing an input - Stefan Roiser would be a good person to contact about this.
The next JuliaHEP workshop will be at Princeton University, 28-31 July. Registration is already open!
For registration and abstract submission, please visit
A limited number of sponsorships are available for students, covering travel, accommodation, and meals.
Contact in case of questions.
Project proposals should now be in place, but additional projects can still be submitted.
The relevant repos were put into archive mode (one deleted).
Input from the HEP community is particularly encouraged:
The EVERSE project is setting up a network of those interested in improving the quality of research software. The online Launch Event will happen Tuesday 18 February at 10h CET - all welcome to sign up.
Next meeting will be 27 February
Please sign up for chairing a future coordination meeting. (There is even a HOWTO guide).