Present/Contributing: Torre Wenaus, Michel Jouvin, Tommaso Lari, Joe Osborn, Inês Ochoa, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Wouter Deconinck, Peter Fackeldey, Marcel Rieger, Pere Mato, Ianna Osborne, Luke Kreczko, Saptaparna Bhattacharya, Stefan Roiser, Claire Antel, Maarten van Veghel, Nikolai Hartmann
Apologies/Contributing: Paul Laycock
The document prepared by the HSF for the EPPSU has received a lot of comments, none of them too controversial, in the original Google Doc version. A finalized PDF version has been made after taking account of comments.
The PDF sent to the Advisory Group to get their feedback and finalize the endorsement procedure for each experiment, to get it on time for the deadline (March 31). We’d like this document to be endorsed by experiments rather than individuals, as we think it will have a bigger impact.
The EVERSE project is setting up a network of those interested in improving the quality of research software. They had their online Launch Event on Tuesday 18 February.
Reportedly a great meeting. Regular meetings will follow. ~150 connected people!
Taking place on 5-9 May at IJClab, Orsay, Paris. The workshop was announced to the WLCG and HSF communities on Feb 20. Registration is now open, see the indico site.
People are invited to register ASAP so that the local organizers can better prepare for the event. Please note that the early-bird registration deadline is Thursday April 3. Registration closes on April 22.
The timetable has been filled with the different sessions. While the agenda of each session is work in progress, the coarse timetable will not significantly change. This should allow people to start planning for their participation. The event will be an in-person event with (limited) possibility for remote participation. Given the nature of the event (an interactive workshop) we encourage in-person participation.
The HSF organisation team is Michel, Nicole, Eduardo, Paul.
Seminar Indico Category. Compute & Accelerator Forum Category
HSF Seminar on 4D reconstruction took place yesterday Feb 26.
HSF seminar conveners are reachable at
Notes for the 11 February steering group meeting are linked from indico.
We need to find people to help do these reviews. They are fairly lightweight and should not take a lot of time - we are checking usefulness and impact in the community, as well as software development and project best practices.
As suggested last time a google spreadsheet has been set up where people can indicate their willingness to participate as a reviewer in their areas of expertise. Please sign up! And thank you to those who already have. There is also a tab ‘Projects’ to gather planned and suggested projects for reviews.
The Steering Group agreed to approach Dirac, Rucio, ACTS, HLS4ML and XrootD to discuss engaging.
The Training Group will offer to help projects who want to improve their tutorials (this is required for a Silver badge).
Planning chats between activity conveners and SG liaisons are underway.
Group | SG Liaison |
Data Analysis | Mark and Eduardo |
Detector Simulation | Torre |
Physics Generators | Stefan |
JuliaHEP | Pere |
PyHEP | Eduardo |
Reconstruction and Software Triggers | Claire and Paul |
Tools and Packaging | Liz |
Training | Nicole and Graeme |
The AA conveners should also feel free to reach out to their liaison to speed the planning!
Please remember to update your activity page on the HSF website with the names of the current conveners.
The activities list has been renamed to
Future events:
Conveners met last week to plan for year ahead (without HSF steering group liaison for now).
Convener/SG planning meeting for 2025 recently took place. Discussed ideas for 2025. Conveners will meet again soon to put together a more concrete plan.
First meeting with SG liaisons took place. Discussing inputs to WCLG / HSF workshop.
Conveners met last week and yesterday (also with Eduardo). planned for Seattle 14–17 Jul 2025 the week after SciPy conference, which is also in WA. Agenda
PyHEP Users workshop (virtual only) planned for 27 - 30 Oct 2025
Planning to restart topical meetings monthly
Marcel Rieger (Hamburg U., CMS) has also joined the PyHEP team.
The next JuliaHEP workshop will be at Princeton University, 28-31 July. Registration is already open!
For registration and abstract submission, please visit Got the confirmation of keynote speaker, Stefan Karpinski, one of the creators of the Julia language.
A limited number of sponsorships are available for students, covering travel, accommodation, and meals.
Contact in case of questions.
Project proposals should now be in place. Additional projects should probably not be added any more. Already have a long list.
Input from the HEP community is particularly encouraged:
Next meeting will be 13 March
Please sign up for chairing a future coordination meeting. (There is even a HOWTO guide).