HSF Plans for 2021


In the first few meetings of 2021 the HSF established some high-level plans and goals for 2021. While none of these are cast in stone, we remain agile to adapt to new opportunities and circumstances throughout the year, they are a useful guide to our activities.

We encourage experiments and projects to take a look at these and we welcome any suggestions about how to make the HSF more effective and useful in HEP and for allied fields.

Overall Activity and Coordination

Meeting Series


Organisational Engagement

Software Projects

Post-CWP and LHCC

Working Groups

Reference: 21 January 2021 meeting minutes.

Data Analysis

Ongoing series of metadata discussions seems like a workable format to repeat on other topics. So this and other themes for 2021 could be:

Besides these, we discussed commonalities with Training WG. One question: how much should HSF branch into (experiment-agnostic) analysis tutorials?

Detector Simulation

Reconstruction and Software Triggers


Software Tools and Packaging

Software Training

Event generators
