
The Visualisation Activity Area gathers experts, developers, users and all people from the Particle Physics community interested in interactive data visualisation and event displays.

The group started activities in October 2016 and it is convened by Riccardo Maria Bianchi (University of Pittsburgh, US, ATLAS Experiment).

All are welcome to join the group and participate!


Convenor: Riccardo Maria BIANCHI (ATLAS)

Mailing list:


The goal of the group is to discover common approaches, foster collaboration among HEP experiments and groups, plan future software development and developing common tools.

Description of the group

Here follows the description of the group, its challenges and the questions which it should address, as defined by the group itself during the Visualisation session in the HSF Workshop in San Diego (see link in the meetings’ list below).

The first task of the group was the writing of a common white paper about Visualisation issues and challenges in HEP, and possible solutions, in a time scale of 5-10 years. The paper is now completed and published on arXiV:

Scope of the group activities

Visual representation of event data overlaid with detector geometry for the purpose of HEP research, education and outreach. This representation can be static (event displays) or time-dependent (animations).

Out of scope

Group Challenges

Some open question to shape the group activities

Interaction with other groups

Topics for which we will have to interact with other groups:



HSF Workshop 2018 - Visualisation session, Naples, 28 March 2018

HSF Mini-workshop on GUI, graphic libraries, interactive Visualisation, CERN, 7 April 2017

HSF Visualisation Workshop, CERN, 28-30 March 2017

HSF Workshop, San Diego, 23-26 January 2017