A new Training Center Website


There is a large number of training resources for newcomers in the field of High Energy Physics. The HSF Training group together with IRIS-HEP has started to compile a curriculum of such training modules that helps to get beginners up to speed quickly. However, the current listing in the form of a static table is quickly becoming overwhelming, and we cannot include many resources because of space limitations. This project is about creating a new training center that turns the static page into a dynamic list of training content that can be filtered by attributes such as programming language, common tasks, type of training, HEP experiment, etc. The candidate can start with the code of https://learn.astropy.org/ (an unrelated training website of a popular astrophysics package) and change the underlying data sources: rather than being based on a series of Jupyter notebooks, configuration files should allow listing arbitrary content.


Steps and task ideas

Core goals:

Stretch goals:

Expected results

A deployed training center webpage with basic filters. See the “core goals” section above.


For this project only, please include the mailing list hsf-training-center-gsoc@googlegroups.com in CC.

Please see the instructions below for the phase 1 application.

Phase 1 Application

Please send us your CV and motivation for this project.

We also have a qualification task to make a fair selection of candidates. It should take you no more than 1-2 days to complete (depending on prior knowledge).

For fairness, you will have 48h to send us your solutions after you receive the instructions.

We understand that your schedule might be busy, so we proceed as follows:

  1. Send us a start date and time in Eastern Time zone (EST). Please let us know 1-2 working days in advance to ensure we can schedule the email in time. Your submission should be completed by Mar 12, so the latest start date is Mar 10. Please make sure to CC hsf-training-center-gsoc@googlegroups.com.
  2. We will send a quick confirmation email within 1-2 working days.
  3. The email with the qualification task instructions will be sent at the time specified in step 1.
  4. You work for 1-2 days and submit your results (submissions after 1 or 2 days will be evaluated separately, so that the speed of completion is taken into account)
  5. We will confirm receiving your solutions within 1-2 working days.
  6. We will announce the result of this phase 1 selection on Mar 14.

For fairness, we will not provide additional information about the qualifiction task other than the project information above.

Additional Information

Corresponding Project

Participating Organizations