Julia Interfaces to HepMC3


In high-energy physics experiments at CERN it is necessary to simulate physics events in order to compare predicted observations with those that the LHC experiments actually observe. A key piece of the software chain used to do that is the HepMC3 event record library, which encodes the output from physics event generators in a standard way, so that they can be used by downstream detector simulation and analysis codes.

There is now increasing interest in using Julia as a language for HEP software, as it combines the ease of programming in interactive languages, e.g., Python, with the speed of compiled language, such as C++. As part of building up the ecosystem of supporting packages for Julia in high-energy physics, developing interfaces to read, manipulated and write HepMC3 event records in Julia is the aim of this project.

Task ideas

This project would develop a wrapper library for HepMC3 allowing the HepMC3 data objects and methods, in C++, to be called from Julia.

It would utilise the general underlying wrapper interfaces in CxxWrap and the automated wrapper code generator WrapIt! to allow for as easy and maintainable an interface as possible.

A key outcome would be a set of unit tests and examples, based on the HepMC3 ones, demonstrating how to use the library and proving that the code is correct.

Expected results and milestones


Evaluation Exercise



Additional Information

Corresponding Project

Participating Organizations