BioDynamo: Agent-Based Simulation of CAR-T Cell Therapy Using BioDynaMo |
Patatrack: Development of an auto-tuning tool for the CLUEstering library |
Clad: Implement and improve an efficient, layered tape with prefetching capabilities |
Clad: Integrate Clad to PyTorch and compare the gradient execution times |
Clad: Enable automatic differentiation of C++ STL concurrency primitives in Clad |
Clad: Support usage of Thrust API in Clad |
Constellation: Extending the User Interface |
Cppyy: Implement CppInterOp API exposing memory, ownership and thread safety information |
Ganga: Incorporate a Large Language Model to assist users |
Ganga: Implement a deprecation system to keep code up to date |
Geant4: Geant4-FastSim - Data Representation Optimisation for Generative Model-based Fast Calorimeter Shower Simulation |
CICADA: Highly Granular Quantization for CICADA |
JuliaHEP: Julia Interfaces to HepMC3 |
MCnet: MCnet/MCviz - graph and 3D-viewer tools for simulated particle collisions |
MCnet: MCnet/OpenData - tools and exercises for open-data exploration with MC simulations |
Rucio: Rucio WebUI Revamp |
Xeus-Cpp: Implementing Debugging Support |
Xeus-Cpp: Enable GPU support and Python Interoperability via a Plugin System |