
Geant4-FastSim - Memory footprint optimization for ML fast shower simulation


In Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments, at CERN in Geneva, the calorimeter is a key detector technology to measure the energy of particles. These particles interact electromagnetically and/or hadronically with the material of the calorimeter, creating cascades of secondary particles or showers. Describing the showering process relies on simulation methods that precisely describe all particle interactions with matter. A detailed and accurate simulation is based on the Geant4 toolkit. Constrained by the need for precision, the simulation is inherently slow and constitutes a bottleneck for physics analysis. Furthermore, with the upcoming high luminosity upgrade of the LHC with more complex events and a much increased trigger rate, the amount of required simulated events will increase.

Machine Learning (ML) techniques such as generative modeling are used as fast simulation alternatives to learn to generate showers in a calorimeter, i.e. simulating the calorimeter response to certain particles. The pipeline of a fast simulation solution can be categorized into five components: data preprocessing, ML model design, validation, inference and optimization. The preprocessing module allows us to derive a suitable representation of showers, to perform data cleaning, scaling and encoding. The preprocessed data is then used by the generative model for training. In order to search for the best set of hyperparameters of the model, techniques such as Automatic Machine Learning (AutoML) are used. The validation component is based on comparing different ML metrics and physics quantities between the input and generated data. After training and validation the model is converted into a format that can be used for inference in C++. This allows its application directly in the frameworks of physics experiments. The optimization component is used to further reduce the memory footprint of the model at inference time. Moreover, optimization techniques are also used at training time to reduce the number of trainable parameters.

The aim of this project is to optimize the ML pipeline of the fast simulation approach using the open-source platform Kubeflow with a focus on the memory footprint optimization of the model during inference. Furthermore, a byproduct of this project is that the student will gain expertise in cutting-edge ML techniques, and learn to use them in the context of high granularity image generation and fast simulation. Moreover, this project can serve as a baseline for future ML pipelines for all experiments at CERN.

For in-depth details regarding the entire g4fastsim project, please go to this website:

Inference Optimization pipeline

KubeFlow was the platform of choice for making a reproducible and scalable machine learning inference pipeline for the g4fastsim inference project. CERN IT Department has built which is KubeFlow service accessible to all CERN members and was used for building the pipeline.

g4fastsim is broken into 2 parts - Training and Inference. The inference application is named Par04. Par04 example can perform inference using both fullsim, Geant4 native api, and fastsim, using different Machine Learning frameworks like ONNXRuntime, LWTNN and LibTorch. Inference Optimization Pipeline is aimed at reducing memory footprint of the ML model by performing various types of hardware-specific quantizations and graph optimizations in ONNXRuntime.

The pipeline can be found on under the name of Geant4-Model-Optimization-Pipeline. Complete-pipeline

  • Model Loader - Model Loader component that acts as a central repository for non-optimized model. The model gets downloaded and stored here.
  • MacroHandlers - Macro Handler components which output a macro file that gets passed to the respective Par04s.
  • Inference - Par04s which use Full Simulation and ONNXRuntime CPU and CUDA Execution providers for inference.
  • Benchmark - Benchmark component that takes in 3 .root files as input and generates comparison plots through them.
  • Optimization - Optimization component that takes in non-optimized model and optimizes it.

:green_book: A memory arena is a large, contiguous piece of memory that you allocate once and then use to manage memory manually by handing out parts of that memory. To understand arena in relation to memory, check out this stack overflow post


Par04 takes in input a macro file. This macro file contains a list of commands in the order they are to be run. Normally, if we want to change a macro file we will have to change the .mac file, upload it to gitlab, EOS or someplace from where it will be downloaded and pass the URL in KubeFlow Run UI Dashboard. This will become a tedious process.

MacroHandler component is implemented to solve this issue by generating a .mac file based on the inputs from the KubeFlow Run UI.

The input to MacroHandler component is a .jsonl file containing jsonlines, where each jsonline contain 2 keys - command and value. An example of .jsonl macro file can be seen here.

.jsonl file is converted to .mac file after value modifications and passed to the respective Par04 components.

Eg: As per the pipeline image above, the output of FullSimMacroHandler component will be passed to FullSim and output of OnnxFastSimNoEPMacroHandler component will be passed to OnnxFastSimNoEP.

This component is specifically designed for KubeFlow usage

Macro file

Some Geant4 commands as well as custom commands for manipulating the simulation process are shown below.

/Par04/inference/setSizeOfRhoCells 2.325 mm
/Par04/inference/setSizeOfZCells 3.4 mm
/Par04/inference/setNbOfRhoCells 18
/Par04/inference/setNbOfPhiCells 50
/Par04/inference/setNbOfZCells 45

# Fast Simulation
/analysis/setFileName 10GeV_100events_fastsim_onnx.root
## dynamically set readout mesh from particle direction
## needs to be the first fast sim model!
/param/ActivateModel defineMesh
## ML fast sim, configured with the inference setup /Par04/inference
/param/ActivateModel inferenceModel
/run/beamOn 100

There are additional commands which can be used to configure the settings of each execution provider. A detailed example of macro file for ONNXRuntime can be viewed here.


KubeFlow passes all the parameters as string from its run UI. In order to debug type issues a small input checker component is build which will output the value of every KubeFlow UI parameter and its value type. This an independent component of the pipeline.

This component is specifically designed for KubeFlow usage


Par04 is a C++ application which takes in as input an ONNX model, performs inference using it and outputs a .root file containing the simulated physics quantities which can be used for downstream analysis of particle showers.

Par04 currently supports 3 libraries - ONNXRuntime, LWTNN and PyTorch. The inference optimization pipeline currently being built is geared towards using ONNXRuntime. The execution providers that will be investigated for optimizing the ONNX model are -

  • Nvidia TensorRT - GPU
  • Nvidia CUDA - GPU
  • Intel oneDNN - CPU
  • Intel OpenVINO - CPU

    Support for Intel OpenVINO is currently on halt due to compatibility issues.

Output .root file

The output of Par04 is a .root file which can be opened using TSystem (C++) and uproot (python). The .root file contains the following structure:

├── energyDeposited;1
├── energyParticle;1
├── energyRatio;1
├── events;1
│   ├── CPUResMem
│   ├── CPUVirMem
│   ├── EnergyCell
│   ├── EnergyMC
│   ├── GPUMem
│   ├── phiCell
│   ├── rhoCell
│   ├── SimTime
│   └── zCell
├── hitType:1
├── longFirstMoment;1
├── longProfile;1
├── longSecondMoment;1
├── time;1
├── transFirstMoment;1
├── transProfile;1
└── transSecondMoment;1

More details on these quantities are explained in this link.

CPUResMem, CPUVirMem, GPUMem are added into the updated version of the Par04 application: CPUResMem - Resident Memory used by the inference of the Par04 application CPUVirMem - Virtual Memory used by the inference of the Par04 application GPUMem - GPU Memory used by the inference of the Par04 application More details on Resident and Virtual Memory can be found here


Par04 has a number of optional dependencies which can be added to customise it for different host hardware and usecase.

Running FastSim in Par04 will require ONNXRuntime.


  • Geant4 - A platform for simulation of the passage of particles through matter.


  • ONNXRuntime - Machine learning platform developed by microsoft which is acting as the backend for using different hardware specific execution providers.

  • CUDA - Parallel computing interface for Nvidia GPUs developed by Nvidia.

  • TensorRT - Machine learning framework developed by Nvidia for optimizing ML model deployment on Nvidia GPUs. It is built on top of CUDA.

  • oneDNN - Machine learning library which optimizes model deployment on Intel hardware. It is part of oneAPI - a cross platform performance library for deep learning applications.

  • OpenVINO - Machine Learning toolkit facilitating optimization of deep learning models from a framework and deployment on Intel Hardware.

  • ROOT - An object oriented library developed by CERN for for particle physics data analysis.
    • In Par04, ROOT is used to get host memory usage.
  • Valgrind - Valgrind is a applicationming tool for memory debugging, memory leak detection, and profiling.
    • In Par04, Valgrind is used for function call profiling of inference block.

Run Inference

To run Par04 simulation application, follow the below given steps:

  1. Clone the git repo
    git clone --recursive
  2. Build the application
    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG="-ggdb3" <source folder>

If you want build Par04 using dependencies, then use the DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH flag.

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug" \
    -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/opt/valgrind/install;/opt/root/src/root;/opt/geant4/install;/opt/onnxruntime/install;/opt/onnxruntime/data;/usr/local/cuda;" \
    -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG="-ggdb3" \
    <source folder>
  1. To build and install the application, go into the build directory and run
    make -j`nproc`
    make install
  2. Go to the install directory and run:
    ./examplePar04 -g True -k -kd <detector construction macro file> -ki <inference macro file> -o <output filename> -do <output directory> -fk -f <custom fastsim inference model path> -s <optimized fastsim model save path> -p <profiling json save path>

:warning: Make sure to add path to dependencies in PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH respectively

Checkout dependencies section for more info on customising Par04 for your purpose.


  • -g - Whether to enable GPU memory usage collection or not.
  • -k - Whether it is kubeflow deployment or not. Adding -k will indicate True.

Below given commands will only be used when -k is set as the below given flags are specific to KubeFlow to make the inference component KubeFlow compatible.

  • kd - Path to detector construction macro.
  • ki - Path to inference construction macro.
  • -o - Name of the output file. Make sure it ends with .root.
  • -do - Path of the directory where output file will be saved.
  • -fk - Running fastsim or not. Setting this will mean true.

Below given commands will only be used when -k and -fk is set as the below given flags are make kubeflow deployment of fastsim inference component compatible with Kubeflow pipeline.

  • -f - Path to .onnx model to use for inference.
  • -s - Path where optimized model created by ONNXRuntime session will be stored once model specified in -f is loaded into the session.
  • -p - Path where profiling json will be set. It will be used when profiling flag is set to true.

:warning: They are added to make the Par04 compatible with KubeFlow’s data passing mechanism. In order to make KubeFlow component’s reusable, KubeFlow recommends allowing the KubeFlow sdk to generate paths at compile time.

The paths generated can or cannot be present in the docker container, so, we need to handle both the cases and when path is not present, then our code should auto generate the directories as the per the path. In order to understand KubeFlow’s data passing mechanism, please refer to this guide.

If you are using Par04 as a standalone application, using macro file is recommended.


The benchmark component is built for comparing the output of different Par04 runs. Currently, it supports 2 output files and the plan to support 3 files is in roadmap. The current benchmark component is tailored a lot towards using in a pipeline rather than a standalone application.

:warning: If you are running as a standalone script, make sure the output .root filenames of Full Sim and Fast Sim(s) is same and both are in different folders.

├── FastSim
│   └── output.root
└── FullSim
    └── output.root

The output of the benchmark component is a set of plots which will help with comparison between Full Sim and Fast Sim(s) as well as a .json file which will contain Jensen Shannon Divergence values for different physics quantity histograms.

For more details on Jensen Shannon Divergence, refer to this link

Benchmark is a python component and requires the following dependencies:

  • scipy
  • uproot
  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • json

Run Benchmark

  1. To run Benchmark, clone the Par04 repository
    git clone --recursive
  2. Go into the Benchmark component directory
    cd <source directory>/pipelines/model-optimization/benchmark
  3. Run
    python3 \
    --input_path_A <Path of first input directory> \
    --input_path_B <Path of second input directory> \
    --rootFilename <Filename of the output root file> \
    --truthE <Energy of the particles> \
    --truthAngle <Angle of the particles> \
    --yLogScale <Whether to set a log scale on the y-axis of full and fast simulation comparison plots.> \
    --saveFig <Whether to save the plots> \
    --eosDirectory <EOS directory path where you want to save the files> \
    --eosSaveFolderPath <EOS folder inside the EOS directory where you want to save the output> \
    --saveRootDir <Directory path inside docker container where you want the data to be saved for further passing>
    --bo <Whether to add 3rd plot>
    --ipo <Path of third input directory>
    --ep "Cpu, Optimized Cpu" or "Cpu, Cuda" etc.

:warning: If you are running Benchmark as a kubeflow component, use It performs Kerberos authentication for EOS access and then runs Every time a Kubeflow component is created it needs to authenticate itself for EOS access, it is not feasible to do it manually and takes care of that.

Before running a pipeline which requires EOS access, make sure your krb-secret is up-to-date and also run kinit CERN_ID. If you want to renew your krb-secret perform the steps mentioned here.

An example plot is given below: transProfile_1_E_10_GeV_A_90


Optimization contains 4 blocks - CPU, CUDA, oneDNN and TensorRT. oneDNN and TensorRT are in development. All optimization blocks follow a common structure:


ONNXRuntime has 2 types of optimization available: static and dynamic. In static, the model is optimized using a representative dataset, saved and then used for inference. In dynamic, the model is optimized when it is loaded in ONNXRuntime and uses statistics of the input data.

dynamic optimization thus has an extra overhead as compared to static optimization but, can have less accuracy drop.

Currently, for CPU and CUDA optimization, static optimization is used. For other execution providers like oneDNN and TensorRT, either dynamic or mixed will be implemented due to the restriction placed by ONNXRuntime’s design. For more info, refer this this issue:

Optimization component performs optimization as a 2 step process which can be mixed:

  1. Graph Optimization
  2. Quantization

:warning: When performing quantization, make sure the .onnx model has been converted from it native framework using the latest opset. Currently, the minimum opset requirement for quantization is 10. But, it is always better to use latest version as it supports more layers.

Graph Optimization

ONNXRuntime has 4 modes of Graph Optimization -

  2. BASIC
  4. ALL

All the modes are supported in this optimization component. For more details on this mode, refer to ONNXRuntime Graph Optimization doc:

In brief, basic adds hardware agnostic optimizations, extended applies graph optimizations only to subgraphs placed on CPU, CUDA (NVIDIA GPU) and ROCm (AMD GPU) and all applied basic + extended + layout (hardware dependent) optimizations.


ONNXRuntime has a very rich INT8 quantization API. Our experiments showed considerable reduction in CPU and GPU memory usage for CPU and CUDA Execution Providers respectively with no to very little accuracy drop. Quantization is very dependent on Calirabtion data / representative data, its quality and quantity both.



Config JSON

    "strides_count": 30,  
    "latent_vector_dim": 10,
    "min_angle": 50,                  
    "max_angle": 90,
    "min_energy": 1,                          
    "max_energy": 1024,
    "stride": 5,   
    "input_name": null,  
    "optimize_model": true,                
    "graph_optim_lvl": "all",
    "only_graph_optim": false,                    
    "quant_format": "QDQ",
    "op_types_to_quantize": [],
    "per_channel": false,  
    "reduce_range": false,           
    "activation_type": "int8",                
    "weight_type": "int8",
    "nodes_to_quantize": [],
    "nodes_to_exclude": [],  
    "use_external_data_format": false,             
    "calibrate_method": "MinMax", 
    "extra_options": {
        "extra.Sigmoid.nnapi": false,
        "ActivationSymmetric": false,
        "WeightSymmetric": true,
        "EnableSubgraph": false,
        "ForceQuantizeNoInputCheck": true,
        "MatMulConstBOnly": false,
        "AddQDQPairToWeight": false,
        "OpTypesToExcludeOutputQuantizatioin": [],
        "DedicatedQDQPair": false,
        "QDQOpTypePerChannelSupportToAxis": {},
        "CalibTensorRangeSymmetric": false,
        "CalibMovingAverage": false,
        "CalibMovingAverageConstant": 0.01
    "batch_size": 10,
    "execution_providers": ["CPUExecutionProvider"], 
    "for_tensorrt": false                           


The description for all the keys are JSON given below:

Calibration Data
  • strides_count - Number of strides/loops to use for generating the calibration data. Useful when handling OOM issue.
  • latent_vector_dim - Dimension of latent vectors to be generated for calibration data.
  • min_angle - Minimum angle for which to generate calibration data.
  • max_angle - Maximum angle for which to generate calibration data.
  • min_energy - Minimum particle energy for which to generate calibration data.
  • max_energy - Maximum particle energy for which to generate calibration data.
  • stride - Number of events to generate for each pair of [condE, condA, condGeo].
  • batch_size - Batch size to use when performing inference for getting calibration data output. Calibrator uses the output to generate statistics which get used downstream in quantization to ensure minimal accuracy drop possible.
  • calibrate_method - Calibration method / Calibrator to use. Currently, supported [MinMax, Entropy, Percentile]. Preferred, MinMax as it has less memory requirement and performs very well.
  • execution_providers - Execution providers to use
Graph Optimization
  • graph_optim_lvl - Which graph optimization lvl to use. Supported [disable, basic, extended, all].
  • only_graph_optim - Whether to only perform graph optimization and skip quantization.
  • optimize_model - Whether to perform graph optimization before quantization. Should be set to True even if only_graph_optim is set to True.

For detailed read on ONNXRuntime Quantization, refer

  • quant_format - Type of quantization format to use. Supported [QDQ, QOperator]. Preferred, QOQ as it gives good performance to accuracy tradeoff. ONNXRuntime suggests to use QDQ on x86 CPU and QOperator for arm64 CPU.
  • op_types_to_quantize - List of operations to quantize. Only the operations listed here will be quantized in the model.
  • per_channel - Whether to perform per_channel quantization or not.
  • reduce_range - Whether to perform 7bit quantization or not.
  • activation_type - Which INT8 quantization to perform on activations. Supported [int8, uint8]. Preferred, int8 as it is more versatile and works on a wide array of models.
  • weight_type - Which INT8 quantization to perform on model weights. Supported [int8, uint8]. Preferred, int8 as it is more versatile and works on a wide array of models.
  • nodes_to_quantize - List of nodes to quantize. Specify exact node names of the .onnx model. Only the nodes present in the list will be quantized. If empty, all nodes will be quanized.
  • nodes_to_exclude - List of nodes to exclude. Specify exact node names of the .onnx model. Only the nodes present in the list will be excluded. If empty, no nodes will be excluded.
  • use_external_data_format - Saving models > 2GB creates problems in ONNXRuntime. It is preferred to set this option to True if dealing with models > 2GB.
  • extra_options - Refer onnxruntime/quantization/
  • for_tensorrt - If this optimization is for tensorrt or not. If set to True, only the calibration table will be created. TensorRT performs it own graph optimization and quantization. Hence, TensorRT optimization can only be performed dynamically in ONNXRuntime. The path of calibration table generated can be given as input to ONNXRuntime Session, TensorRT will use this Calibration cache to optimize the model at runtime.

:warning: Optimization Config JSON can be changed as per the need but currently, these are the supported params. Any additional params added to JSON will be ignored.