HEP Software Foundation Startup Team Meeting notes Oct 29 2015
Indico Agenda
Present: Torre, Pere, Benedik, Michel, Andrea, Peter
Apologies: Dario
News and General updates
- The presentation at the ATLAS meeting at LBL will be given by Benedikt
- Discussion on the possible software session in WLCG in Lisbon. Perhaps is not the best place for a software discussion but something on HSF should be probably ok.
- Nothing is foreseen for the LHCb workshop in Paris. Peter will put something of HSF under the umbrella of DIANA.
- Pere mentioned the possible collaboration between the ROOT Jupyter notebooks and WikiToLearn. Good potential on the developed technology. A small example that HSF could help on spawning collaborations.
- Pere reported on a recent discussion at CERN on training (academic, technical, IT, openlab, schools, etc.). It was felt that better overall coordination on training would be needed. The recent academic training was followed by many people.
- The packaging meeting will take place next week. Giulio Eulisse will present the CMS/Alice system.
- Benedikt has been working on the document and it is almost ready to be distributed before the meeting next week.
- Still a couple of comments to be integrated in the document by Michel. After these changes we can publish it as a technical note. Michel will be doing it tomorrow or beginning of next week.
- Torre mentioned that SLAC is also looking into licensing and they are recommending the BSD license.
- Benedikt would like to add a figure with a table with the compatibility between license.
- Michel would like to add examples in the last section to be less CERN centric, but he needs to get them.
Technical notes
- Pere asked about the white paper from Brett to be a note. Torre said that there is no problem since the document is now public. He will get in contact with Brett.
- Michel mentioned the issue that downloading the PDF stored in GitHub not very convenient.
Software knowledge base and communication
- Torre: Benedikt has been very helpful as a guinea pig. Finding issues and suggestions. Torre will have to do some work. Nick names in URLs. Work on this by this week.
- Benedikt has been very pleased with reaction time.
- Benedikt: progress in the project template. Feedback still requested. One of the recent HSF projects (FOMtool) using the template has been announced.
- Another project CudaService (putting tasks on GPU from the C++ application) is in the pipeline.
- A new release of the cmaketools package has been made.
Discussion on next steps, plans for the fall
- Perhaps this meeting slot is not the best one and we should make a doodle again. Agreed to wait for next week and decide.
Logo Contest
- We need to have few logo designs to make a good choice.
- We need to send an e-mail to announce the contest for the logo (Pere)
- Tracking working group. On December 2nd there will be the first meeting of the Forum. It will consists of a review of the existing tracking software. Invitation to be send next week.
- IML LHC - Inter-Experimental LHC Machine Learning Working Group has a new web (http://iml.cern.ch/) and had the first meeting https://indico.cern.ch/event/453344/
- Peter: asked about two questions: effort already invested in HSF and what are the next big objectives. The discussion concluded that currently we are making a number of small successes in the technical side as well as in establishing new collaborations (the example of WikiToLearn and ROOT was mentioned) and this is the way to progress.
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