Using GoogleDoc to take the notes in a collaborative manner. Michel suggests to export the GoogleDoc to docx and then convert the docx to Markdown with pandoc. He will demonstrate it with this meeting notes!
Ben: UK HEP community meeting. One of the topics is ‘software’. He will ask somebody from HFS to give a presentation.
Andrea: Following up the StackExchange idea. LHCb has its own instance (sort of Stack Exchange), ask ROOT,… Room for discussion.
Draft from Michel with contributions from Benedikt. One “controversial” issue. It is the second or the third? John: the first one was at CERN. We need to just to agree.
One pending issue: what is the role of the software technology forum? Will it cover the performance issues? Change Software Technical Evolution Forum into Software Technology Forum
By Tomorrow noon we will issue the newsletter: comment in the pull request if there is anything you’d like to improve. Or to say that you read it and that it is fine with you! (avoid emails).
Draft available, produced from final version of the GoogleDoc (now readonly)
To publish the final notes at the same time as the newsletter. Several modifications went in the GoogleDoc after emails to workshop participants (we do not know the author but several persons told Michel they will review the notes).
Remove update rights on the GoogleDocs.
Draft made available by Benedikt
The LHCC referees pre-meeting is next week. Benedikt represents the AA of WLCG at the meeting. He was asked to give an update of HSF and status of GeantV.
John: the AA was re-instated on request by the experiment’s representatives.
Pete: for this time this kind of HSF status presentation is fine. What we want for later meetings?
John: It is legitimate that we ask how the LHCC committee would like to follow the HSF activities. A dialog is needed. We need to discuss to F. Forti and C. Diaconu. Perhaps a few members of the startup team should participate to the initial discussions. They may need to define the scope.
Michel supports the idea.
John: seeking the endorsement of the new management of CERN is needed.
Pete: engage by the process of defining the roadmap that we have been discussing (CWP). We need to bootstrap this recognition process.
Frank: what about the other projects beyond LHC? LHCC should be one example but not the unique one. Seek endorsement by other bodies (not too many although :-)). This will allow to liaise with different bodies without the risk of appearing dedicated to one set of experiments or a subset of the community.
John: we need to have a set of clear messages before talking to different bodies.
Need to re-discuss this topic in more details in a few weeks after thinking a little bit more to the details on how to proceed and may be identifying other bodies that may be relevant to HSF (in particular computing-related ones).
On going active discussion between Benedikt and Patrick. Very positive collaboration. Changes pushed upstream.
Should come up soon with a set of agreed requirements.
Michel: asking people to register projects. Future conditions database.
Need to follow up with Michel Sokoloff about the projects he mentioned a the workshop.