Frank met the chairman of ICFA to seek endorsement. They are restructuring at this moment. In the February meeting would be a good time for a formal presentation and to get some official statement (an endorsement). Some reservations to become a ICFA panel. We should iterate on this proposition. Very encouraging. We need to have something done by september.
In the planned meeting with E. Elsen, WLCG should also WLCG (I. Bird) represented (potential link between CWP and HL-LHC computing TDR).
Springer journal: a meeting next Monday at CERN with several proponents of the journal at CERN. C. Caron would be there. A good occasion to make progress.
Torre: ½ day at CHEP would be the best, better than additional days before and after.
Pere: The main purpose is organizational so half day should be probably sufficient.
Trying to organize something disconnected from CHEP would be more difficult.
Consensus to have this ½ day. We need to discuss with Ian asap. Andrea has already asked him and Sunday afternoon seems to be a good option. Agreed that Andrea will conform with him (confirmed, but to be discussed at WLCG-MG Tuesday June 22). We need to have the feedback from Pete.
Quite a lot of activity in the repo (mainly P. Gartung).
Several participate to the Spack developer meeting: several PRs in progress and some ready to be merged.
LHCb already has its own solution and not necessarily motivated to move to something else, at least in the short term.
ROOT: Axel in principle opened but he says that if migrating to something else, ROOTTalk contents should be migrated… Seems difficult. Would a readonly ROOTTalk be acceptable? Pere: need to keep ROOTTalk anyway as we cannot break existing links (in favor of a keeping a readonly ROOTTalk).
GeantV/VecGeom wants to use Apache 2.0, following the HSF recommendations. Not clear about the copyright ownership.
ATLAS is also discussing the license it will use: no strong opinion on viral vs. permissive… Not yet decided. Copyright will be held by CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration. Specific problem of some GPL licensed components.
CERN IT has a person now responsible for helping CERN users/collaborations/projects in their SW licensing policy.
Michel contacted Mike Sokoloff. No reply yet.
Contacted Andrea Formica for the conditions.
. - Follow-up with Vincenzo, Paolo and Markus about plans on SW performance after the workshop