Meeting with Christian Caron from Springer last Monday with representation from HEPIX, IT, Theory, HSF, etc. Very positive feedback to the proposal of starting a new journal from the various communities.
The title of the journal is very important and has to be chosen with care since it is immutable. The scope can be adapted and evolved over time. Proposals for the scope, title, composition of the editorial board, etc. will be circulated soon.
Fixed the slot for the kickoff meeting for the Sunday afternoon during the WLCG workshop prior CHEP at San Francisco. Andrea discussed with Ian last week and this should be mentioned at next week WLCG-MB.
No agenda and details so far.
Andrea: Very positive feedback from ALICE about a SE for HEP software. Still need to contact ATLAS/CMS. Discussed with ROOT, potentially interested but it is impossible to migrate the existing RootTalk into SE and this could be a blocker; Andrea made some suggestions, waiting for a reply after internal discussions in ROOT.
For the ROOT case, if we start using SE we will not need to migrate the content of the current forum to it.