From LHCC report on CERN/LHCC-2016-002 LHCC-125 4 March 2016:
“Several ideas for medium/long term computing improvements are now structured either as common projects (GAUDI hive) or as concrete contributions to the working groups defined as a part of the HEP Software Foundations HSF. The LHCC encourages such initiatives and recommends that an allocation of dedicated person power be considered by the funding agencies and laboratories. This must however not disturb the ongoing activities in the experiments, which are very intense at any given time”
Kicking off with a charge by Ian and a virtual meeting in September to discuss organisation, followed by a real kickoff meeting between CHEP and Christmas.
Ian had a draft of the charge and has been circulated with a few people. Ask Ian if circulating the draft in the startup team is ok.
Yesterday Pete talked to ATLAS during ATLAS week at NYU. Most of the questions were about what it is? What is the big picture? Relation to industry? What is the role of OpenLab? Pete mentioned ‘natural partner’. Other relations with industries must/should remain possible, in particular for other institutes.
Informally pining some people from ATLAS to participate to the production of the CWP.
Looking for an opportunity to have a similar meeting with CMS.
According to calendar set up and initial discussions, november-december looks open.
Looking for a site of the kickoff meeting
Outside of CERN looks better.
The expectations of the number of people is large than the SLAC and Orsay meetings. Guesstimate ~150.
NFS meeting last week. The project is now officially approved.
Discussed informally with Stefan H. from the theory community.
Liz mentioned the discussion of the CCE project (DOE) for organizing a workshop in Fermilab (will go the calendar). Main emphasis is HEP software for supercomputers.
Agreed to information the community about CWP. Decided to wait one week more to get a chance to have the charge before doing it.
Google calendar is now available as a public calendar: just open to see it. Rights to add/modify events given to the startup team. Ask if you want to be added as a calendar contributor.
Requested to be added in the HSF website. Benedikt will look at it technically.
No news. Lost contact with the people from IceCube. The infrastructure is there but we need contributions. Dario has no clear view of why people don’t contribute more and what could be done to bootstrap the contributions. Would be in particular interested by feedbacks from ROOT team. Pere suggests a dedicated meeting after the technical student period.
Pere suggests using W2L as a hub/portal to start, encouraging people to add links to existing materials to give W2L visibility and break the chicken&egg problem.
Dario: W2L is continue to attract new people and raise interest in Italy, growing at its own pace.
New Spack meeting this evening, more next week.
Andrea: related to the HepOSlibs work at CERN and the relations with Spack. Basically if what we have on the system and what needs to be build by the packaging tool.
Pere suggested to open a topic on the technical forum, but is better to discuss first in LCG.