Another ingredient is the need for WLCG to produce the ‘Software Roadmap for HL-LHC’ document. Ian will be writing a charge for it. The HSF will be helping organizing it. This document will derive from general one as we call it Community White Paper (CWP).
The needs for WLCG are somehow similar to what Pete will have to produce for NSF documents.
In a recent discussion between Pete, Torre, Pere and Mike it was thought to have pre-meeting in September, mainly an organizational meeting, with the identified people on the various working groups. The idea is to organize the meeting in a couple of afternoons with remote participation. The goal should be to establish a plan with the formation of working groups, wat topical workshops to organize, and overall schedule, etc.
Then we will have the meeting (kickoff meeting?) on the Sunday afternoon during the WLCG workshop prior CHEP at San Francisco to inform the community and get feedback.
A general workshop later in the year (November-December time scale) with ½ day plenary and several parallel working groups sessions.
Later several topical workshops (data science, data preservation, performance, )
Dates of meetings need to be concretized rather soon. Pete is compiling a Google calendar with all the experiments’ week meetings.
Summary: working towards the meeting in September. The charge being produced by Ian will be iterated in the time scale of one week.
Start a collaboration with the ICEcube people. We didn’t have news for a while, but they are still interested. Dario will re-iterate with them. This will be an occasion for contributing with concrete training material.
W2L tools being improved. The contents with university courses is increasing rapidly.
A lot of activity on the Spack git repository. Some of the needed patches are already integrated upstream. Integrating the idea of the ‘view’ existing in lcgcmake system..
New technical student in CERN SFT group will be allocated to evaluate Spack and integrate it to the LCG needs.