CERN EP-SFT position news? In the HR system. Approvals are all done it is believed, just has to work through the system.
Next newsletter. Will put one after San Diego. John will edit it.
Feedback from Funding Agencies: Michel conducting a survey to get input for his presentation at the workshop. Process started, not real response yet. Following up and really hopes to have a few answers by the end of next week. Need to convince people to express opinions that are more than personal but not necessarily definitive commitments.
Maria : working on organisation of panels (computer architectures and SW performance, datacenters and facility technologies, machine learning in HEP) with input from industry.
Several WGs not active yet (no leader nominated): Workflow and Resource Management, Data Analysis and Interpretation, Data and Software Preservation, Careers, Staffing and Training
Data and SW Preservation : establish contact with DPHEP project (Jamie Shiers, Mike ?)
Workflow and resource management: Liz will try to convince Eric Vaandering (from CMS) to take the lead, need to find participants from other experiments. ATLAS will certainly find participants (Campana, Wenaus, Klimentov, …). It relates closely to computing model as well.
DAQ WG not active yet: misunderstanding about who was ready to lead the WG. But interest expressed by Fermilab and INFN to move forward. Probably not a critical mass at San Diego but plenty of ideas: contribute to the Google Doc!
HEP analysis ecosystem workshop proposal. Input received? Dates? : some positive feedback received already. Probably to be discussed during San Diego workshop.
ROOT 2017 plan presented by Pere yesterday : everybody is welcome to look at what was presented and provide feedback.
Date/location for CWP workshop circa summer 2017?
Week of 10 July 2017 seemed open, no conflicts so far [there are conflicts in fact] : will come quickly after the San Diego meeting but allows to maintain some pressure and increase the chance of the CWP to produce something… To be discussed in more details in San Diego.
Cost of the San Diego meeting for some has prevented attendance. The next one should balance this (ie be in Europe, probably)
Investigating possibilities at Annecy, C.Diaconu offered to investigate also CPPM/Marseille. Outside of CERN, but near CERN, has some advantages.
Request (again) feedback on date and possible locations at SDSC workshop and propose 10 July week more widely as tentative date at end of workshop if no objections arise? Finding venue might take a bit longer.