Google Summer of Code
Google has accepted the transition from the CERN organization to a new umbrella organization under a new name - the HEP Software Foundation (HSF). We will still kept a reference to CERN to facilitate students candidates to find old projects.
Stating to create the ‘ideas’ page (in the HSF web) to propose projects.
The coordinators this year are: Sergei Gleyzer and Enric Tejedor
CERN EP-SFT position. In the hands of HR. A meeting is scheduled to finalize it the first week of February. : some adjustments made on the timetable.
Michel received feedback from several European FAs, still waiting an answer from Spain, expected by the end of the week.
Reception planned on Monday: will be added to the agenda
SDSC computing center visit proposed: probably on 2 days (Tuesday and Wednesday)
Plenary talk by Aaron Sauers confirmed on issues with code developed by governmental organizations and licensing issues (title to be finalized)
Computing models: probably mainly a discussion slot. Ian Fisk and Rob Gardner agreed to convene this session.
Panels with industry: review proposed questions in Google Doc, add your suggestions
Parallel sessions: several rooms available of different size, need to match room capacity with expected attendance for each session
Most sessions have conveners except Workflow and Resource Management (somebody from CMS proposed) and Role of ROOT (Liz ready to do it)
CAP (Analysis Preservation) interested to contribute in some way (Lucas, Mike)
Last day: just having a report of each WG could be a bit tedious and not very productive. Pete suggests that we could have a summary slot at the end of the day where some of the parallels already completed can be discussed and may provide input for later WGs with overlap. Would be a pity if we end up with independent, non overlapping discussions. Could be also an “informal” report during lunch or another slot. Pete will try to propose an implementation.
Pete suggesting to have short presentation of every participant as in
HEP analysis ecosystem workshop proposal
To be discussed at the workshop in San Diego
Date/location for CWP workshop circa summer 2017