HSF Weekly Meeting #100, July 20, 2017
Present: Graeme Stewart, John Harvey, Vava Gligorov, Benedikt Hegner, Dario Menasce, Ian Collier, David Lange, Michel Jouvin, Oliver Keeble, Pere Mato, Guilherme Amadio, Patricia Mendez, Mike Sokoloff, Andrea Valassi, Pete Elmer, Oliver Gutsche, Daniel Elvira, Bob Stienen
News, general matters
It’s the one hundredth meeting!
- the Executive Summary is ready for wider circulation - it is 7 pages long.
- the full simulation White Paper (59 pages) still has comments that need to be resolved;
hope to have it ready for wider circulation by early next week. A section on the use of
Fluka for background radiation studies has been added; feedback from Fluka authors is
expected by middle of August.
- by wider circulation we mean extending to non-authors, in
particular simulation experts in the experimental collaborations and members of the HSF
- we suggest we choose a policy on english (UK vs US) to be followed by all WGs.
- we suggest to keep the full list of references in each WG White Paper, and to
include simply a bibliography of the individual WPs in the final combined CWP
i.e. the report that combines all Executive Summaries.
- we still have to make the author list, a non-negligible task
- Started collecting comments on hypothes.is (for comments that are not straightforward / uncontroversial, so the commentator cannot “fix” their comments straight away)
- At the same time, comments have been posted in the sharelatex review mode or just as bold face / red text into the document. Hypethesis is good for multiple people commenting.
- ~16 pages text (plus 2 TOC, 4 author list, 2 appendix+references)
- Vastly different stages of editing: some getting overoptimized, some (e.g. training) essentially empty (content commented out there. But section should get moved entirely to the training paper imo) - the session already moved to training, however there will be a short section specific to ML referencing the other chapter.
- Vastly different level of detail (some sections to my taste way too detailed for what we can expect even the most patient and willing reader to get bored with) (again, just my opinion)
- “Global scale” editing needed (avoid repetitions [some things mentioned thrice], contradictions, inconsistencies [pointers to other sections announce things that just aren’t there]…)
Additional specific contributions are arriving - will incorporate in the next days
Need to chase up in the timescales here, Graeme will do it.
Software Development
- Document is in good shape
- Some details still to be added on case studies, agile methodology and workplan/projects
- We will ask our external readers to take a look now
- Others welcome to look too
- Aim to be finished for early August
Software Trigger and Event Reconstruction
Finishing document. Hopefully we’ll be at the point of circulating for new comments to WG and experiments next week or the week after. Expect short document to come together quickly once longer one is complete.
Data Access, Organisation and Management
No progress since the workshop… Michel has been chasing up with the convenors. Unlikely to be ready before end of August?
Stop Press: there will be a meeting next week
Data and Software Preservation
Pete to follow up.
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Not much done since the w/s. 8-9 pages in the draft, with a roadmap. Analysis model chapter coming from Mark and Jim. Oli will chase up week after next.
Workflow and Resource Management
Graeme to follow up here.
- Document content in a good shape
- As agreed in Annecy, we now gather in this chapter all visualization-related topics from other WGs; so chapter content had to be extended recently; and that caused a delay in the writing process
- Writing on going, but slowly because many people are in vacation
- By end of July we should have a first complete draft
- Final authors-list still to be defined, but in our WG we would tend to include all people who participated in the discussions in the various workshops and meetings we had during these last months, preparing the chapter. The input from all of them helped shaping the chapter and the strategy of the WG.
Event/Data Processing Frameworks
Document in ok shape, but nothing happened since the workshop.
Careers, Staffing and Training
There is shared latex document from Annecy. Dario can also write something this week.
Next Steps / General Points
Authorship - each WG to create its list of contributors (text or discussion). For final document people can sign if they agree with the overall conclusions, self assigned.
Decided that US English is to be used (main point is language should be consistent).
Final CWP will be in LaTeX, but we don’t mind what the format is for each individual paper (should look nice as a PDF).
Assembling the Ed Board for the final summary. Pete will collate the people we think are happy to do this.
Activity updates
- Michel sent a reminder to the FastJet developers about the notes on the licensing meeting. FastJet developers are not happy with publishing the notes, but have not said specifically what. We want to keep communication open, so we won’t publish the notes.
- Amsterdam analysis report - steps to completion? Pere to contact Torre.
- Next workshop co-located with WLCG workshop, we support this. Benedikt will also follow up with DESY about hosting.
- WikiToLearn will be tried out by GridKA school. Dario will have a meeting with school organisers next week.
- Benedikt gave a CWF Annecy meeting summary to the SFT group that would be useful for anyone else presenting a summary.