HSF Weekly Meeting #100, July 20, 2017

Present: Graeme Stewart, John Harvey, Vava Gligorov, Benedikt Hegner, Dario Menasce, Ian Collier, David Lange, Michel Jouvin, Oliver Keeble, Pere Mato, Guilherme Amadio, Patricia Mendez, Mike Sokoloff, Andrea Valassi, Pete Elmer, Oliver Gutsche, Daniel Elvira, Bob Stienen

News, general matters

It’s the one hundredth meeting!




Need to chase up in the timescales here, Graeme will do it.

Software Development

Software Trigger and Event Reconstruction

Finishing document. Hopefully we’ll be at the point of circulating for new comments to WG and experiments next week or the week after. Expect short document to come together quickly once longer one is complete.

Data Access, Organisation and Management

No progress since the workshop… Michel has been chasing up with the convenors. Unlikely to be ready before end of August?

Stop Press: there will be a meeting next week

Data and Software Preservation

Pete to follow up.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Not much done since the w/s. 8-9 pages in the draft, with a roadmap. Analysis model chapter coming from Mark and Jim. Oli will chase up week after next.

Workflow and Resource Management

Graeme to follow up here.


Event/Data Processing Frameworks

Document in ok shape, but nothing happened since the workshop.

Careers, Staffing and Training

There is shared latex document from Annecy. Dario can also write something this week.

Next Steps / General Points

Authorship - each WG to create its list of contributors (text or discussion). For final document people can sign if they agree with the overall conclusions, self assigned.

Decided that US English is to be used (main point is language should be consistent).

Final CWP will be in LaTeX, but we don’t mind what the format is for each individual paper (should look nice as a PDF).

Assembling the Ed Board for the final summary. Pete will collate the people we think are happy to do this.

Activity updates