HSF Weekly Meeting #111, October 5, 2017
Present: Dario Menasce, Benedikt Hegner, Daniel Elvira, Michel Jouvin, Peter Elmer, Graeme Stewart, John Harvey, Andrea Valassi, David Lange, Ian Bird, Mark Neubauer, Liz Sexton-Kennedy
General News
- Workshop announcement: agreement on a common announcement by WLCG and HSF.
- WLCG intention for WLCG workshop is focussing on HL-LHC matters. Will draft a proposal for the HSF main theme for the HSF workshop. Michel, Graeme and Benedikt will prepare a proposal before the GDB next week.
- J. Templon in charge of organizing the next IEEE Data Science meeting (Fall 2018) is thinking at organizing a session focused on HEP
- Meeting date should be added to the Community Calendar (29 October - 1 November 2018)
General matters and Editorial Board
- Core editorial team dividing up the chapters and working towards having a substantial amount done by next week.
- Will update “computing challenge” section with the latest estimates from ATLAS and CMS presented to the LHCC.
- Add finished documents to HSF website for Chinese collaborators
- Action on contribution editors to do this themselves or ask Benedkit, Graeme or Michel.
- Follow-up items from later discussion
- Encourage WG groups to make sublementary material for whitepapers available on arXiv
- Distribute (close to) finished whitepapers to general list
- Added more information from the G4 community, thus essentially completing the document.
Machine Learning
Software Development
Software Trigger and Event Reconstruction
- Incorporating last comments and converging soon
Data Access, Organisation and Management
- Tidy-up done by Oliver
- Next meeting tomorrow to finalize the draft
Data and Software Preservation
- No progress during last week, hope to do something for next week
Data Analysis and Interpretation
- Happy with analysis section. Hoping to get a contribution from Kyle re. Interpretation to finish things soon.
- Many details are in contributed white papers, which is why the document itself is quite short.
- Need to sort out how to handle the contributed white papers in the finalized CWP.
- Agreed to submit them to arXiv where they have substantial content. (Currently attached to the HSF web site.)
Workflow and Resource Management
Event/Data Processing Frameworks
Careers, Staffing and Training
- Basically done, but additional info, comments or feedback from wider audience welcome. Proposed to distribute it to general list soon
Facilities and Distributed Computing
- Remaining comments are more for longer term follow up and will not significantly change the document as it is now. Ian is going to capture these.
Conditions Access
- Proceeding well now, being reviewed by the MCNet authors. Reminded them of deadlines.
Activity updates
- Paolo investigated LBNL’s positioning on licensing ATLAS code. Licensing as open source they are fine with, as there is no commercial value (even GPL they would accept, but not favour). They don’t like giving up IP though, so would need an exception to assign (C) to CERN. ATLAS considering what to do, given this input (not yet concluded).
- No additional news (no activity this week)
- Doodle for next meeting (currently 18 Oct at 3pm looks best). Will allow a few more days for people to put in times and also announce on the general list (as it’s the restart of activity).
- Clarify how to get write access to Community Calendar and add instructions to website.