HSF Weekly Meeting #142, 19 July, 2018
Present/Contributors: Graeme Stewart, Andrea Valassi, Dario Menasce, Benedikt Hegner, Eduardo Rodrigues
News, general matters
- Graeme gave an update on HSF activities in the
CHEP Matters
- General comments:
- 70 people attended, providing excellent representation from most
LHC experiments, Belle II and smaller experiments. Also lots
of IT/lab representation.
- Workshop ran very smoothly - thank you to the CHEP chairs and
LOC help.
- So far only received very positive feedback from participants.
- Pre-workshop questionnaire was very useful and interesting. 70%
of participants filled it in - really appreciated.
- Key take-away topics:
- (More details in our close-out presentation.)
- Python strong in HEP data analysis, and usage likely to grow
- Binding Python to other languages is important and the future of
cppyy from the ROOT team sounds excellent.
- Robust distribution of Python ( several versions, so at least
2.7 and 3.x) is a non-trivial problem that needs attention.
- Education and training: lots of discussion and topic seen as
very important. Welcome the build of a community and training
material such as the StarterKit material.
- Migration to Python 3. Far easier for analysts than for
experiments code for example. Still, a large fraction of the
community already uses Python 3, hence support is not to be
- Core software is also using Python a fair bit.
- Outcomes and future
- General feedback that workshop series should continue.
- Consensus on need to build a community of interested users and
- A Gitter channel has been set-up and will soon be
- Need to link with HSF efforts on training and education -
repository of expertise in in Python in HEP is welcome, for
example an inventory of appropriate tools.
- We already got the StarterKit material moved out of LHCb
onto an HSF training repository, as an action forward.
- We will very likely prepare a short post-workshop survey, to
help directing the future steps.
- We started discussing the future of PyHEP among organisers. We
will bring in 2 extra persons: one from the IF/neutrino
community, another from an astroparticle physics experiment,
to have good coverage across the broad community.
Activity updates
- GridKa School of Computing asked to use again the WikiToLearn
platform to publish their training material of this year’s
lessons. People in charge of WTL kindly provided the necessary
Software Forum
- Met yesterday, 18 July, discussed VecCore and SOAContainer (minutes).
- Meetings for after summer now being planned - please suggest and
volunteer subjects to cover. Check Indico for booked slots.
Technical Notes
Generators Software Re-engineering Workshop
- Andrea: had a chat with Michelangelo Mangano before CHEP together
with Witek and Graeme. Following his suggestions and some
discussions, we now aim for:
- A “bootstrap” workshop of 2-3 days, possibly before the LHCC
review (which according to Graeme is now scheduled around
March 2019).
- Possibly, a later one-week workshop to do some real work with
the experts.
- For both events, Michelangelo suggested that the LPCC (LHC
Physics Centre at CERN) could host them at CERN and possibly
provide some support. Indeed CERN seems easier logistically
for an event on a short timescale.
- Graeme sent to Michelangelo the current draft document
so that he can discuss this with colleagues and suggest a list
of participants.
General Matters and Roadmap
- HSF Editorial Board got its ORCID rejected
Publication status for Individual WG Papers
- HSF Logo in vector format - reminder of action on Benedikt.
- Next HSF/WLCG workshop
- We started discussing when and where to have the next workshop.
Boundary conditions are:
- There will be a pre-CHEP workshop next year (2-3
November 2019).
- LHCC review of HL-LHC software and computing next Spring
(exact dates and topics to be decided by LHCC in due
course). Would like to use this workshop to prepare.
- Thus end of January, beginning February looks ideal. However…
- Belle II Week + Review is 4-13 Feb.
- w/b 18 Feb is school holiday (FR + CH).
- General support for going to US, East Coast is a bit easier and
cheaper (than the US West coast), but weather could be a
- GDB yesterday argued we should have a European option as
well (maybe cheaper overall? especially given an expensive
CHEP next year).
- We have a fairly firm offer from JLab to host. Offer from BNL/NY
being prepared.
- Graeme will give a talk at ECFA tomorrow
- Andrea: saw that there is a session on “individual recognition”
just after Graeme’s talk. Unless I misunderstand, this would
be a useful place to raise the issues of software careers and
citation, and generally recognition of software/computing work
by individuals.