HSF Weekly Meeting #168, 20 June, 2019
Present/Contributors: Graeme Stewart, Dario Menasce, Andrea Rizzi,
Pere Mato, Anna Zaborowska, Stefan Roiser, Ben Morgan, Liz Sexton-Kennedy,
Gloria Corti, Andrea Valassi
Apologies: Agnieszka Dziurda, Heather Gray (ATLAS week), Michel Jouvin
News, general matters
- Report from Future Colliders Software Workshop, last week in
- Consensus was reached among all communities for future
colliders to develop a Common Turnkey Software Stack (called
from now Key4HEP), connecting and extending the individual
packages to enable a complete data processing framework.
- Key4HEP should be easy to use (for librarians,
developers, users), easy to set up, easy to deploy, easy
to extend.
- Discussed the main components and reached some agreement:
- Identified the EDM as an essential component. Agreed to
develop one based on PODIO and inspired by LCIO.
- For the framework, it was agreed that the best candidate
to date is the Gaudi framework as the starting point. LC
community will continue to use Marlin for the time being.
- Identified the names for the ‘facilitators’ team that will
drive the development of Key4HEP.
- Efficient Scientific Computing School, Bertinoro, Italy, 21-26
October 2019
- The aim of the ESC school is to offer the participants the
opportunity to improve their computing competences, learning
from qualified and experienced scientists how to best exploit
modern hardware and software technologies in their daily
scientific work.
- There are a few slides attached to today’s agenda.
- 3rd School on Open Science Cloud, Bologna, Italy, 16-20 September
- The School is multi-disciplinary and targeted at postgraduate
researchers including bachelor degree or equivalent in fields
such as physics, statistics, computer science, computer
vision, biology, medicine, engineering working at any research
institute, with experience in data analysis, in computing or
in related fields.
- The 2019 school’s theme is “Intelligent Systems”. The programme is organized over two tracks:
- Machine Learning Methods and Applications
- Computing infrastructures
- Some ongoing IRIS-HEP meetings focused on analysis are of
Google Summer of Code 2019
- First evaluation due next week.
Activity and Working Group Updates
Data Analysis
- Organizing the next topical meeting:
- “Comp infrastructures for future data analysis”, July 22nd (announcement will be sent later today).
- Discuss experience and ideas with different platforms (local
clusters, powerful individual servers, distributed systems, cloud
resources etc…).
- Collect inputs for the pre-CHEP workshop.
- Would like to collect input from analysts, in particular.
Detector Simulation
- HG: Held a topical meeting of the HSF simulation group last week:
and tools for the Detector Geometry Description. Approximately 20
people were connected (either in the room or on vidyo). We had
three talks: VecGeom, Diagnostic Plots and DD4hep and a
stimulating discussion. We have decided that we will hold our next
topical meeting after the summer break – please feel free to
contact us if you have suggestions for the topics.
Reconstruction and Software Triggers
- Next topical meeting on the week of July 14th
- Other action items:
- Follow up on code optimization meeting that we had two weeks
ago (LHCb-centric, now involving ATLAS and CMS).
- Following up on next topics.
- Discussion with ATLAS and ALICE started about having a Software
Carpentries event at CERN in the autumn, A possible StarterKit
training as well.
Event Generators
- Meeting next week. Several people were at the Les Houches workshop
this/last week.
Pre-CHEP (2-3 November)
Next HSF/WLCG Workshop
- Mailing list setup for organising:
- HSF organisers can rotate - who is interested in helping?
- Reminder of the formal call now for interest in hosting this
event. Parameters are:
- Facilities for 1 whole week, in May or June 2020
- Monday morning -> Friday lunchtime
- Note that the week of 1 June is not suitable (LHCC); weeks
beginning 18 May and 22 June are disfavoured (Ascension
holiday and ATLAS Week)
- Other constraints on the date may arise, although we would
endeavour to fix the date as soon as possible
- 1 plenary room, capacity min 250
- 2 additional parallel rooms, capacity min 100 each
- Vidyo connection in these 3 rooms for the week
- Optional breakout rooms ~3x30 people would be nice (vidyo
there optional)
- Low costs favoured (€200 ideal, €300 acceptable)
- Lunch options to be specified - on site and included in
registration favoured
- One reception event on Monday, costs included; one dinner,
could be billed separately if necessary
- Some indications of typical local accommodation costs and
travel options
- A European location is favoured this time
- Please express interest by 12 July to
- Calendar:
- It would be useful to start filling in the calendar for known
events in 2020.
- There is a suggestion from the CHEP Diversity Working Group
that we also track the most important religious holidays, so
as to avoid clashes with major meetings.
- There are sites listing this, but it’s hard to know what’s
most important regarding meeting schedules (by some
metrics all days are religious holidays somewhere).
- Generally we think this should be taken into account, but
not clear how best to tackle the issue.
- We didn’t like the idea of using the main HSF Calendar as this
mixes two very different things.
- Keep discussing with CHEP DWG.
- Mailing List:
- There were 3 spam messages in the last week (non-HEP job
postings). The user who sent them has been banned.
- These are quite rare incidents, so we don’t plan to make
joining the list an approved action. (One does have to be a
list member to post.)
- AIDA++ Software
Meeting was this
- We have a number of EoIs in
- Other EoIs are possible, but we do encourage coordination with
the current software group via Frank and Witek.