HSF Coordination Meeting #275, 26 September 2024


Present/Contributing: Graeme Stewart, Claire Antel, Patrick Gartung, Eduardo Rodrigues, Stefan Roiser, Joseph Osborn, Nick Smith, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Krzysztof Genser, Pere Mato, Jamie Gooding, Tamás Gál

Apologies/Contributing: Alexander Moreno

News, general matters, announcements

Reminder SPECTRUM/JENA Survey on Software, Computing, Training - deadline extended until September 30th.

Dear Colleagues from Research / Infrastructures,

The SPECTRUM project [1] and the JENA Computing Initiative [2] are conducting a survey to gather insights on current best practice and expected future evolutions in the domain of large scale / data intensive scientific computing.

The survey is directed at researchers, managers of scientific initiatives and infrastructure managers, either on individual or institutional bases.

Our goal is to collect from the community insights on current best practice and expected future evolutions in the domain of large scale / data intensive scientific computing. This is important also for you, if you want to inform policy makers and funders about the needs from science and infrastructures and push in the direction of future interoperability.

Full announcement

Link to Survey

Please consider filling this in and also helping to disseminate it to your colleagues.

The survey is differentiated - filling in the Software and Training part (of most interest to the HSF) should only take 10-15 minutes.

European Strategy Update

The European Particle Physics Strategy Update will be next year:

We think it is a very good idea to have an input from the HSF on the software that we need for the future and how we achieve it. This would be a mini-update of the CWP from 2017.

We believe that input coordinated by our activity areas will be critical to doing this, especially from the critical areas of event generation, simulation, reconstruction and analysis; however, we should not at all forget the people dimension, so training and careers are vital to cover.

Feedback from working groups…

Michel and Graeme agreed to help coordinating this work but other volunteers are most welcome (required!) to help.

HSF Seminar Series

Seminar coordinators: Benedikt, Michel, Andrea

First HSF Seminar will be organised as part of JuliaHEP:

We would like to organise further seminars on

Current topic suggestions:

Steering Group News

There was a Steering Group meeting on 23 September and the minutes are available on the website.

Activity Updates

Our working groups and activities have been merged into a single “Activities” area on the website (PR).

“Reviews” sits a bit awkwardly here (and it’s not even complete) so needs a revamp.

Areas which were actually not active at all were moved to a archived area (Analysis Facilities Forum, Conditions Databases, Differentiable Computing, Frameworks, Visualisation).

Data Analysis

Software Training

Next Events

C++ Course and Hands-on Training

Software Tools and Packaging

Detector Simulation

Reconstruction and Software Trigger

Follow ups on HSF seminar proposals:


PyHEP.dev 2024

The workshop report is under final scrutiny and will be published to the ArXiv at the end of this week.

Physics Generators


Next Meeting

Next meeting will be 10 October.

Reminder: please sign up for chairing this or one of the future coordination meetings - we need volunteers from now until the end of the year!