Add numerical differentiation support in clad |
Awkward Array GPU kernels |
Container deployment performance across Grid sites |
Cosmic-Ray Imaging Studies via Mission-Imagery from Space (CRISMIS) |
Deep Learning Algorithms for Muon Momentum Estimation in the CMS Trigger System |
Deep autoencoders for ATLAS data compression |
Enable Modules on Windows |
Enable the Mesh Memory Allocator in ROOT |
End-to-end Deep Learning Reconstruction for CMS experiment |
Extend SkyhookDM programmable object storage with statistics, sort/aggregate, or data compaction functions. |
Extend clad to compute Jacobians |
Falcon - graph auto-encoders for fast detector simulation |
Fast Merging of RNTuple Data Sets |
GeoModelExplorer, interactive 3D geometry visualization - Development of a visualization tool to interactively explore the geometry of a HEP detector |
Health Checks and Monitoring Dashboard for ScienceBox |
Hist plotting |
Implementation of Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi Algorithm for Convex Shapes in VecGeom |
Implementation of Quantum Machine Learning to Perform High Energy Physics Analysis at the LHC |
Intelligent Alert Management System For HEP experiments |
Ipopt (Interior Point OPTimizer) for ROOT |
Kubernetes operator for XRootD |
Local replica of JAliEn central services for research and development |
MCnet/CONTUR - Develop an interactive graphical interface for a physics re-interpretation tool |
MCnet/LHAPDF - Make the Large Hadron Collider’s proton structure library FAST! |
MCnet/Rivet - Speed and accuracy in the LHC’s MC analysis tool |
MCnet/SHERPA - Accelerating Monte Carlo simulations for the LHC |
MCnet/YODA - Enhance a statistical toolkit for physics analysis interpretation |
MadGraph5 - offload event execution to accelerator devices |
Making Exabytes of LHC data seamlessly accessible on Jupyter Notebooks |
Manipulation of massive astronomical data using graphs |
Native desktop integration for Exascale LHC Data Management |
Optimise calls in the Ceph RADOS Striper API to enable efficient concurrent access to read-only objects. |
Phoenix, interactive data visualization - Development of an experiment independent javascript event display framework and data format |
Podman CVMFS integration |
Pre-conditioners applied to ROOT compression algorithms |
Reduce boost dependence in CMSSW |
Simulating Dark Matter with Strong Gravitational Lensing |
Support for Rucio Users with Natural Language Processing |
TMVA Deep Learning Developments - 3D Convolutions |
TMVA Deep Learning Developments - Decision Tree Inference, Expansion of Supported Format |
TMVA Deep Learning Developments - Inference |
TMVA Graph Neural Networks |
TMVA Interfaces - Pytorch |
Upgrading the Ganga graphical user interface |
Upgrading the Ganga user interface to use a relational database for persistent storage |
Workflow configuration import and validation for AliECS |
pyhf Hardware Acceleration Benchmarking with GPUS and TPUs |