Optimizing Computing Operations with Machine Learning algorithms
Automatic code generation for fast inference in the CMS tracking software
Using Pseudo-random numbers repeateably in a fine-grain multithreaded simulation
Optimisation of GeantV HPC workload balancing by use of unsupervised machine learning
hepsoftware.org - The HEP Software and Computing Knowledge Base
Tensorflow-TMVA GAN Interface Applied to NOvA Neutrino Events.
Integration of Apache Parquet reading capabilities in ROOT data analyses
Improvements in vectorization and parallelization of ROOT Math libraries
SixTrack continuous integration and test coverage with CDash and coverity
Optimize and Integrate Standalone Tracking Library (SixTrackLib)
Additional Machine Learning Project Ideas and Areas of Interest
Machine Learning Project - Multi-target Regression for Particle Physics
Improvement of the TestU01 Suite for PseudoRandom Number Generation