HEP Software Foundation Startup Team Meeting notes Mar 16 2015

Present: Amber, Michel, Dario, Craig, Liz, Pere, Benedikt, Frank, Andrea

Excused: Torre, Daniel, Graeme

We devoted the meeting to review the status of various work areas and share among us relevant information.

Presentation at WLCG meeting in Okinawa

Michel explained what the presentation should be about. It is not only about HSF but more on the general software challenges for LHC Run3 and beyond. Something in between the concurrency forum and the current plans from the experiments. The goal is to inform on what is happening in HSF and to provide some input to the people providing the resources for WLCG.
There is perhaps some overlap with the plenary talk being prepared by Amber. She will be circulating a draft of her talk "Challenges of developing and maintaining HEP community software” soon.
Liz and Dario will be participating to the WLCG meeting. Pere may arrive just in time if everything goes well.
The agreement was that we [the HSF startup team] will prepare the slides of the presentation and Liz or Dario will be ready to present them.

Training WG

Dario explained his proposal to evaluate the WikiFM, which is based on MediaWiki for providing the training knowledge and material. This demonstrator project could be evaluating the different possibilities and could be one of the incubator projects of HSF. There are INFN people ready to collaborate on this.
People was very positive with this idea. We agreed that Dario will write a 1 page project proposal and circulate it to the training mailing list.

Technical Notes

There was the proposal send to the mailing list by Andrew McNab on technical notes (TN). It seems very reasonable and we should take some actions.

Software Packaging Tools

Benedikt put forward the proposal from Giulio Eulisse to create an organization in GitHub for HSF. The packaging project will be perhaps the first package in this organization. This was agreed and he will volunteer to do it.
There was a discussion about the distribution of administrator rights.  Typically the creator of a forum in Google or and organization in GitHub is by default the administrator. His may cause some problems in the longer term because the administration will be truly distributed.

Reconstruction Algorithms Forum

A CERN mailing list was created but perhaps we should be following the HSF mailing lists.
We had a discussion about whether we have a general forum or a specific one for tracking, calorimetry, particle flow, etc. Pere and Michel were of the opinion that we should not slice too because of the risk of not fulfilling the main goal of sharing knowledge and learning from others. If we want to have regular meetings or workshops it is easier to fill an agenda if you have a much wide scope and can be beneficial for information exchange, even though we understand that people working in tracking is not the same people hat work on calorimetry.
Benedikt will create a ‘reconstruction’ forum.

Software Projects

Not much work in this area. We need to contact the projects that have been already identified and possible guinea pigs.

Software Development and Services

We have been contacted by the developers of HepMC3 that would be nice to check their software against the coverity tool (static analysis) to identify possible defects. CERN has a site license for this very sophisticated tool and expensive (if you need to pay). This is a good opportunity to provide access to this tool to other HEP projects as well. A prototype service will be developed facilitating the static analysis for other projects as well.

Software Knowledge Base

No news.

Friday Meeting in Okinawa

We have only 4 weeks to prepare the meeting.
Dario suggested to have a contest for the selection of the Logo for HSF.
Pere suggested to organize the meeting around the progress made by the different working groups and activities with an introduction at the beginning.


We have found that often Pere or Torre are not available for chairing the Monday meeting. If this is the case other people in the startup team could jump and volunteer and create an agenda and write the notes.
Due to the different phase in adopting the DLS between Europe and  US, we will advance the meeting next week to 5pm CET.