HSF Weekly Meeting #203, 4 March 2021

Present: Graeme Stewart, Caterina Doglioni, Kyle Knoepfel, Andrei Gheata, Pere Mato, Allie Hall, Krzysztof Genser, Michel Jouvin, Efe Yazgan, Ben Morgan, Serhan Mete, Stefan Roiser, Kevin Pedro, Sudhir Malik, Meirin Evans, Michel Villanueva, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Andi Salzburger, Dorothea vom Bruch, Eduardo Rodrigues, Josh McFayden, Marc Paterno, Paul Laycock, Daniel Elvira, Benedikt Hegner, Philippe Canal, Antoine Pérus

Apologies: Andrea Valassi

News, general matters, announcements


The software presentation to the LHCC covered 2 topics:

Feedback on general software matters

HL-LHC Review Phase 2

Plans have been made together with WLCG PL and the experiment computing coordinators. We have settled on presenting 6 documents (each one to be 20-30 pages). Projects have been selected on the basis of the challenges presented by HL-LHC, of event complexity, trigger rates, etc.

Introduction - overview of inputs and process, place to highlight experiment differences, mention of important software that was not reviewed (e.g., no worries for scaling, effort, sustainability, etc.)

Event Generators - want to cover the more important NLO generators (Sherpa, MadGraph, POWHEG) as well as other important pieces (Pythia, EvtGen). Editors to include HSF WG.

Detector Simulation - Lion’s share of input from Geant4, so we have them as key editors. Also will cover GPU R&D projects (Celeritas, AdePT) and underlying tools like DD4hep and VecGeom.

Foundational Tools - Mostly core pieces of ROOT, such as I/O system, geometry and event display, JSROOT, PyROOT, Maths. ROOT project will edit this.

Analysis - To cover the ROOT project (more “analysis facing” components, such as RooFit, Histograms, RDataFrame) - handled by ROOT team. Also cover newer Pythonic Tools, Scikit-HEP project (pyhf, uproot, etc.), Coffea project, zfit fitting package; editors from Scikit-HEP, HSF PyHEP and Analysis WG, IRIS-HEP.

DOMA - Rucio, File Transfer Service (FTS), Storage interfaces and caching layers (CTA, dCache, Xcache, StoRM, xrootd, http TPC, etc.), Network technologies including monitoring and software defined networks, CVMFS, Token based authentication. Liz and Graeme made a presentation at the last DOMA general meeting (https://indico.cern.ch/event/1009737/). We will assemble an editorial team.

Feedback/discussion from LHCC and review chair:

HSF Plans

As mentioned above… The summary of our plans for 2021 are here: https://hepsoftwarefoundation.org/organization/planning/plan-of-work-2021.html.

Please help circulate it to other communities.

Google Summer of Code, Season of Docs

Data Analysis Working Group Convenors

Chris Burr (LHCb, CERN) has unfortunately had to step down as a convenor of DAWG. We are however delighted to announce that Nicole Skidmore (LHCb, U Manchester) has agreed to take this role.

C++ Course

Next iteration, tentatively 30 August - 3 Sept. Pivot the material a bit to concentrate more on the basics and to have more exercises.

Working Group Updates

Data Analysis

Detector Simulation

Reconstruction and Software Triggers


Software Tools and Packaging

Software Training

Event Generators



November Workshop Survey and Outcomes

See slides attached to the agenda, which give highlights of the survey from the workshop.

In the interests of time we decided to delay presenting these until a future meeting.

IRIS-HEP Feedback

Graeme presented feedback to IRIS-HEP in their last steering board meeting (https://indico.cern.ch/event/894517/).

Next Meeting(s)