A concurrency model for the monitoring in Ganga |
A parallel-I/O binary histogram data format |
Acts GPU R&D - Optimization of GPU tracking pipeline |
Add initial integration of Clad with Enzyme |
Add support for SYCL alpaka backend to Patatrack Pixel Track reconstruction |
Add support for differentiating with respect to multidimensional arrays (or pointers) in Clad |
Advanced Belle II Software Validation |
Broaden the Scope for the Floating-Point Error Estimation Framework in Clad |
CERNBox - Dynamic capabilities for smarter client interactions |
CLUE-kD - a generic energy density based python library |
CernVM-FS integration test framework powered by Firecracker VM |
Dataset-manipulation tools for simulated collider events |
Design and Develop a CUDA engine working along with C/C++ mode in clang-repl |
Electromagnetic Cluster Finding on GPUs |
Etherpad plugin as a ScienceMeshDocs editor |
Geant4 - Performance Data Visualization using d3.js |
Geant4 - Symplectic integrators |
Geant4-FastSim - Building an ML pipeline for fast shower simulation |
Geant4-FastSim - Memory footprint optimization for ML fast shower simulation |
IRIS-HEP - Uproot-Dask |
Image Explorer for ownCloud Infinite Scale |
Implement libInterOp API exposing memory, ownership and thread safety information |
Implement vector mode in forward mode automatic differentiation in Clad |
Improve robustness of dictionary to module lookups in ROOT |
Interfacing PODIO to Julia |
Jet Reconstruction with Julia |
MadAnalysis 5 - Integration of theoretical uncertainty calculation with multiweight integration |
Migrate the Smashbox test suite to Python 3 |
Optimize ROOT use of modules for large codebases (eg, CMSSW) |
Phoenix, interactive data visualization - Development of an experiment independent javascript event display framework and data format |
ROOT - Add support to resolve symbols from a static library to the Cling C++ interpreter |
ROOT - An interactive debugging experience for RDataFrame |
ROOT - Automatic conversion of data stored in TTree form to RNTuple |
ROOT - Machine Learning Developments - Batch Generator for training machine learning models |
ROOT - TMVA Developments - Improve Python interface for TMVA |
ROOT - TMVA SOFIE Developments - Inference Code Generation for Deep Learning models |
Repository as a Service |
Rucio - S3-compatible access interface for analysis facilities |
Rucio WebUI Revamp |
Surface-based geometry modelling in VecGeom |
Vectorized linear algebra implementation for Acts |