Summary of GSoC 2023 Proposals

Click here for an overview of the GSoC program at HSF.

Full List of Proposals

A new Training Center Website
Add support for differentiating with respect to multidimensional arrays (or pointers) in Clad
Belle II Event Display with Phoenix
CernVM-FS - Improve integration test isolation
Deep autoencoders for scientific data compression
Enable cross-talk between Python and C++ kernels in xeus-clang-REPL by using Cppyy
Enable reverse-mode automatic differentiation of (CUDA) GPU kernels using Clad
Estimating the energy cost of scientific software
Explore advanced activity-analysis and optimizations in reverse-mode automatic differentiation.
Extend and improve the CERNBox Notifications platform
Extend the Cppyy support in Numba
Geant4-FastSim - Transformer-based architecture for fast shower simulation
Graph Neural Networks for Charged Particle Tracking
Implement vector mode in forward mode automatic differentiation in Clad
Improve automatic differentiation of object-oriented paradigms using Clad
Improving the sense of scale and navigation in high energy physics event visualisation
Interfacing Ganga with the Snakemake system
Julia interoperating with HEP C++ libraries
Leverage Spark Connect for interactive data analysis in Jupyter Notebooks
MCnet/LHAPDF - Test suite and coverage for parton density calculations
MadAnalysis5 - Implementing 2D Histogram Generator
MadAnalysis5 - Improving the validation environment
Multithreaded simulations in DD4hep with DDSim
PyCLUE - Include Alpaka backend
ROOT - TMVA SOFIE Developments - Inference Code Generation for Deep Learning models
Real-time lossless data compression for the FASER experiment
RooFit - Pythonic interaction with the RooWorkspace
Rucio - Namespace synchronisation for shared OpenData