3D-ObjectDetection |
Ansible module for the SIMPLE Grid Framework |
Apache Parquet support for ROOT’s RDataFrame |
Awkward Array Operations |
CERNBox: Bring Your Own Application |
Create a user interface for Ganga that allows for the execution of tasks inside user specified virtual machines. |
Creation and usage of disposable Spark on Kubernetes clusters from notebook service (SWAN) for distributed physics analysis |
Development of LSTM and GRU layers in TMVA |
Distributed Computing Resources: aggregation, usage, monitoring |
Evaluation of scalability of protocols to serve data for jobs for LIGO/Collaboration |
Extend clad - The Automatic Differentiation |
FALCON - optimize fast detector simulation package and multi-objective regression |
Fast and reactive broker for astronomy based on Apache Spark |
Feature Extraction in TMVA |
GPU Race for Particle Hunting |
Generative Adversarial Networks for Particle Physics Applications |
Go-HEP/groot - Create a pure-Go dataframe package to access ROOT TTrees with groot |
Go-HEP/hifact - Create a HistFactory compatible Go package for statistical models |
Hardware acceleration of scattering routines in SixTrack |
Implement Event based Seeding and Multi-Threading |
Implement a GlobalModuleIndex in ROOT and Cling |
Implementation and optimisation in Acts of algorithms exposed in TrackML challenge |
Implementation of ONNX operators for Tensor Manipulation and Deep Learning |
Implementation of an HDF5 IO layer for PODIO |
Improve support for CUDA in Clang |
Improved usage of Intel Embree ray-tracing kernels in VecGeom |
Improving the precision of algorithms to hunt particles |
Integrate of cuDNN library in TMVA |
Introduction of Time Measurements in the Pattern Recognition for LHCb’s Future Vertex Detector |
Ipopt (Interior Point OPTimizer) for ROOT |
Kalman Filter in Rust |
Migrating Apache Spark FITS Data Source API to V2 |
Molr - Operational |
Monitoring DIRAC components |
Multi-thread safe resource monitoring infrastructure for the ATLAS experiment |
Next generation Big Data Analysis monitoring tools with ROOT |
Novel Applications of Zstandard (ZSTD) compression algorithm to ROOT |
Optimisation of small matrix operations using Eigen on GPU |
Optimisation of the Ganga toolkit in terms of memory consumption and persistent storage |
Optimization of Neural Network Operations |
Package manager for SWAN/Jupyterlab |
Persistency for VecGeom geometry |
Phoenix, interactive data visualization - Development of an experiment independent javascript event display framework and data format |
Porting the CernVM File System Client to Windows |
Python Analysis Package for AWAKE |
Python Components for the SIMPLE Grid Framework |
Real-time conditions data distribution for the Online data processing of the ALICE experiment |
Repartitioning spatial data with spark3D |
Rucio - Exascale data management |
Rucio - WebDAV/HTTP-based transfer orchestration |
SIMT to SPMD code translation |
Speedup KM3NeT’s Pattern Recognition |
Tessellated geometry support for DD4hep and ROOT/TGeo |
Testing framework for Jupyter notebooks |
Tools for understanding CMS Data Access |
VectorFlow - a vector processing service |